Objavljeno: 20. 4. 2015. u 08:57
Danijela Vnučec Grdović

A limited call is now open. Staff can apply to go on an exchange for one month.

Possible host universities for EU applicants:

  • Albania: University of Tirana
  • Kosovo*: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”
  • (FYRO)Macedonia: Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje,  University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola,   South East European University Tetovo
  • Montenegro : University of Montenegro
  • Serbia: University of Novi Sad, University of Kragujevac
Possible host universities for WB applicants:
  • Greece: Alexander Technological Educational Institution (ATEI) of Thessaloniki
  • Sweden: Lund University

Guidelines for Staff exchange mobility:

This document aims to provide all potential candidates with the necessary information for a successful application. These guidelines contain information on how to apply, step by step.  The aim is to centralize the most important and essential information for applicants in one document. Applicants are strongly advised to read this document before applying and before contacting the coordinating and partner universities.

Online application forms:

- Staff applicants from the EU apply here;

- Staff applicants from the WB apply here.

In the application forms you will need to upload certain documents. These documents are obligatory, and if they are not uploaded in your file, your application will be regarded as incomplete. An overview is to be found in the guidelines for applicants. All documents need to be translated in English. 

Template to be uploaded in the application form: activity plan : an overview of teaching, research or training planned during your mobility period abroad. This document is to be signed by the applicant and the supervisor of the department, faculty or administrative unit. The signature of the host university is not required at application phase

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Fakultet hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu visokoučilišna je ustanova i znanstvena organizacija, koja ima poziv: istraživati i proučavati hrvatsko društvo, državu, prostor, stanovništvo, iseljeništvo, kulturu, hrvatsko civilizacijsko i povijesno naslijeđe u europskom i općesvjetskom kontekstu; o postojećim znanjima i novostečenim spoznajama poučavati u sustavu visokoučilišne naobrazbe te njegovati hrvatski nacionalni i kulturni identitet.

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