On behalf of the Organizing committee, we would like to invite all scholars with interest in Ancient Egyptian archaeology, culture, history and language, from prehistory to the Arab conquest of Egypt, to participate the 7th International Conference of Egyptologists. Egypt 2015: Perpectives of Research. The conference will be held in the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb in spring 2015. The exact date between April and June 2015 will be announced by September 2014.
In 2015 the Seventh Central European Conference of Egyptologists. Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research will be held at the University of Zagreb in Zagreb, Croatia. It is co-organised by a few scholarly institutions, that is by the Department of History, The Center for Croatian Studies, the University of Zagreb (Dr Mladen Tomorad), Croatia, the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, Croatia (Igor Uranić) and the Department of Ancient Cultures of the Pułtusk Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk, Poland (Dr Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska).
Some Words on History of the CECE conferences:
First meeting took place in Warsaw in 1999. The idea came from Dr Andrzej Ćwiek supported by Dr Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska and Joanna Kociankowska-Bożek of the Institute of Archaeology of the Warsaw University. Except for three first symposia held in Warsaw in 1999, 2001 and 2004, the Conference was organised in Budapest in 2006 (Dr Andreas Gulyas). The Fifth Conference was hosted by the Pułtusk Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk, organised by Dr Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska in 2009 and the Sixth in Cracow by the Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University (Dr Mariusz Jucha, Dr Joanna Dębowska-Ludwin and Dr Piotr Kołodziejczyk)We would not like the conference title including Central Europe to be any kind of restriction. It was named Central as it was organised for the first time in Poland. Initially it was a conference directed to younger generations, but not exclusively and all young at hearts were always invited as well. As time went the organisers became older and older and consequently the conference changed its profile. However, all the time it is intended to present current research and its perspectives covering possibly all spheres of interest in present-day Egyptology.
The main topics:
- Aegyptiaca and Egyptomania
- archaeological research in Egypt
- art studies
- artifacts studies (analysis, interpretations, iconography, typology etc)
- chronology
- eco-history
- forensic and radiological research
- historical research from prehistory to the Arab conquest
- history of Egyptology
- Isaic studies
- language studies
- museum collections
- mythology and religion
- studies of travel to Egypt
Each presentation shall last 20 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion for each paper.
The official language of the conference is English.
Deadline for submission of abstracts is November 30, 2014, with notification of acceptance by February 1, 2015. Please send the application form to: mladen.tomorad@zg.t-com.hr or apply online at http://www.starapovijest.eu/cece7-viith-european-conference-egyptologists-egypt-2015-perspectives-research-zagreb-croatia-spring-2015/
The registration fee for speakers is 75€ paid until March 1st 2015. It includes:
Sessions where papers are presented
Conference materials
Coffee breaks
Additional events
Free visit to museums in Zagreb (Archaeological museum, Museum Mimara, Historical museum of Croatia, Museum of the city of Zagreb)
The registration for visitors 25€ paid until March 1st 2015. It includes:
Sessions where papers are presented
Conference materials
Coffee breaks
Free visit to Archaeological museum iz Zagreb.
Possible excursions
The prices will be announced in March 2015 and will depend on the number of persons.
1) One day trip to the North-west region of Croatia (Hrvatsko zagorje):
castle Trakošćan http://www.trakoscan.hr (ticket: 30 kn c. 4,5 euro)
national herigate site “Kumrovec http://www.kumrovec.hr/
2) One day trip to National park “Plitvička jezera” (ticket 100-110 kn, c. 15 euro) + lunch.
Conference organizers
Mladen Tomorad, Ph.D. (Croatia)
Igor Uranić, M.A. (Croatia)
Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska, Ph.D. (Poland)
Organization board:
Mladen Tomorad, Ph.D. (Croatia)
Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska, Ph.D. (Poland)
Eva Katarina Glazer, Ph.D. (Croatia)
Dejan Pernjak, M.A. (Croatia)
Porin Ščukanec-Rezniček, M.A. (Croatia)
Kristina Šekrst, M.A. (Croatia)
Ivana Štimac (Croatia)
Vlatka Vukelić, Ph.D. (Croatia)
Igor Uranić, M.A. (Croatia)
Academic & Advisory Commitee:
Mladen Tomorad, Ph.D. (Croatia)
Laurent Bricault, Ph.D. (France)
Emil Buzov, Ph.D. (Bulgaria)
Claire Derricks, Ph.D. (Belgium)
Johanna Holaubek, Ph.D. (Austria)
Richard P. Parkinson, PhD (United Kingdom)
Gabi Pieke, Ph.D. (Germany)
Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska, Ph.D. (Poland)
Alessandro Roccati, Ph.D. (Italy)
Petar Selem, Ph.D. (Croatia)
Danijela Stefanović, Ph.D. (Serbia)
John Taylor, Ph.D. (United Kingdom)
Organizing institutions:
Depertment of History, The Center for Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, Croatia
The Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, Croatia
Department of Ancient Cultures, Pultusk Academy of Humanities, Poland