About employee
doc. dr. sc. Matija Mato Škerbić
Title:Assistant Professor
Location: 18

Tuesdays, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Public phone number:01245763
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Odsjek: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies





Assistant Professor Matija Mato Škerbić, PhD is working at the Department of Philosophy and Culture at the Faculty of Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb, Croatia. He is one of the pioneers of philosophy and ethics of sport, and the first to introduce the bioethics of sport in Croatia.

He is the first to receive PhD in philosophy of sport at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, Croatia. In 2019 he defended his doctoral dissertation titled ‘William John Morgan’s Ethics of Sport’, under the supervision of Prof. Ante Čović, with the highest grade summa cum laude.

He is the author of the book ‘Philosophy of Sport. Emergence and development of the discipline’ (2021), the first of its kind in Croatia and region. He published more than 40 scientific papers, editorials, book and conference reviews. He is a member of the editorial board of the journals Philosophical Research and Synthesis Philosophica.

He has lectured at more than 70 international conferences, including the World Congress of Philosophy in Beijing (China) and Rome (Italy), the World Congresses of Philosophy of Sport in Oslo (Norway, 2018), Kyoto (Japan, 2019), Penn State (2022, USA) and Split (Croatia, 2023), the European Congress of Philosophy of Sport in Paris (France, 2021) and Leuven (Belgium, 2023), and the British Society for the Philosophy of Sport in Oxford (Trinity College, 2019), Swansea (Wales, 2018 and 2022), and Aberdeen (Scotland, 2024).

He is the initiator, founder and head of the Research Committee for Bioethics and Sports (since 2017), and the international conference Ethics, Bioethics and Sport (since 2018), both first of its kind in Croatia and the region. 

From 2021 he has been an associate at the ‘Sport Ethics Colloquium’ at Pennsylvania State University / Rock Ethics Institute (USA) under the leadership of Prof. Javier Francisco Lopez Frias. 

He is the initiator and president of the Organizing Committee of the 50th World Congress of Philosophy of Sport held in Split, Croatia from 19 – 22nd September 2023 through collaboration between the University of Zagreb and the University of Split (Faculty of Kinesiology) and International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP).

He is a Chair for the Philosophy of Sport Section at the 25th World Congress of Philosophy ‘Philosophy Across Boundaries’ from 1st to 8th August 2024 in Rome, Italy.

He is an associate lecturer in philosophy and ethics of sport at the Faculty of Kinesiology (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Faculty of Kinesiology (University of Split, Croatia) and University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia). 

He is the author of the 1st children's book about ancient philosophers titled ‘Philosophy – What the Heck is That?! 13 Stories about Ancient Philosophers’ (2019)

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database
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List of select publications


  1. Filozofija sporta. Nastanak i razvoj jedne discipline (Philosophy of Sport. Emergence and Development of the Discipline), Pergamena, Zagreb, 2021
  2. Bioetika sporta. Izazovi za budućnost sporta (Bioethics of Sport. Challenges for the Future of Sports), Pergamena, Zagreb, 2024. – co-author: Ivana Zagorac (University of Zagreb) (in publishing process)

Edited Books of Abstracts

  1. 1st International Conference Ethics, Bioethics and Sport Book of Abstracts, Croatian Philosophical Society, Zagreb, 2018
  2. 2nd International Conference Ethics, Bioethics and Sport Book of Abstracts, Croatian Bioethics Society, Zagreb, 2019
  3. 3rd International Conference Ethics, Bioethics and Sport Book of Abstracts, Croatian Bioethics Society, Zagreb, 2022
  4. 50th IAPS (International Association for the Philosophy of Sport) Annual Conference. Book of Abstracts. University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology, 2023 – co-editors: Emily Ryall (University of Gloucestershire), Goran Gabrilo (University of Split)
  5. 4th International Conference Ethics, Bioethics and Sport Book of Abstracts, Croatian Bioethics Society, Zagreb, 2024

Journal Articles

  1. Metodička vrijednost i uporaba filma u nastavi filozofije [Methodical Value and Use of Film in Philosophical Education], Metodički ogledi 29/30 (1-2/2009.)
  2. Varaždinski filozofski krug Hrvatskog filozofskog društva [Varaždin’s Philosophical Circle of Croatian Philosophical Society], Radovi Zavoda za znanstveni rad HAZU Varaždin, 23./201
  3.  Etika sporta kao novi nastavni predmet? [Ethics of sport as a new teaching subject?], Metodički ogledi, Vol.21 No.1(2014), pp. 47-66
  4. Etika doping u sportu – dvije suprostavljene perspective [Ethics of Doping in Sports: Two Contrasting Perspectives], Filozofska istraživanja, Vol. 143 No. 3(2016), pp. 511-530
  5. Bioetika sporta: prisutnost bioetičkih tema na području filozofije i etike sporta u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji [Bioethics of Sport: share of Bioethical Issues in the Field of Philosophy and Ethics of Sport in Croatia and Serbia], JAHR- European Journal for Bioethics, 9 (2/2018.), pp. 159-184 - co-author Sandra Radenović (Faculty of Sport and Physical education, University of Belgrade, Serbia)
  6. Sport, igra, svrhovitost [Sport, Game and Purposefulness], Crkva u svijetu, No. 53 (3/2018), pp. 359-374 - co-author Ivana Zagorac (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia)
  7. Bioethics of Sport and its Place in the Philosophy of Sport, Synthesis Philosophica, No. 34 (2/2019), pp. 379-394
  8. Genome Editing and Selection Based on Genes Associated with Sports Athletic Performance – Some Bio-Ethical Issues, Synthesis Philosophica, 34 (2/2019), pp. 323-340 - co-authors: Zajc Petranović Matea (Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia), Erhardt, Julija (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia), Jermen, Nataša (The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography, Department of Lexicography, Zagreb, Croatia), Korać, Petra (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia)
  9. Tjelovježba i igranje-igara u četirima konstrukcijama sretnog ljudskog života. Thomas More, Frane Petrić, Tommaso Campanella i Bernard Herbert Suits [Physical Exercise and Game-Playing in the Four Constructions of Happy Human Life. Thomas More, Franciscus Patricius, Tommaso Campanella and Bernard Herbert Suits], Filozofska istraživanja, No. 39 (2/2019), pp. 335-346
  10. Internal Values of Sport and Bio-Technologized Sport, Philosophies, 5 (2020) 4, 26, pp. 1-11.
  11. Bioethics of Sport – the Look Toward the Future of Sport, Pannoniana: Journal for Humanities, 4 (2020) 1
  12. Definitions of Sport in Croatian and International (Sports) Legal Acts - Intersection of the Law and Philosophy (in Croatian), Studia ethnologica Croatica, 32 (2020) 1, co-author Tomislav Nedić (Faculty of Law, Osijek)
  13. How Did William J. Morgan Shape the Ethics of Sport, Kinesiology, 53 (2021) 2, pp. 326-335.
  14. (In)justice on Ice: Valieva and International Sport Governing Bodies’ Justice Duties Toward Underage Athletes, Sports, Ethics & Philosophy: Journal of the British Philosophy of Sport Association, 16 (2022), 3; 1-15. – co-authors: Brett Diaz (Toronto University, Canada), Javier Lopez Frias (Penn State University, USA), Marcos Campos (Leuven University, Belgium), Colleen English (Penn State University, USA)
  15. Zašto studirati filozofiju [Why Study Philosophy], Filozofska istraživanja, 2022 42 (2022) 4; 715-730.
  16. Cyborg-athletes, Pressurization and Integrity of Sport, FairPlay, Journal of Philosophy, Ethics and Sports Law, 1 (2023), 23; 22-39. – co-author Ivana Greguric (University of Zagreb, Croatia)


           Conference Proceedings

  1. Ethics of Sport: Contours and Divisions of the Discipline, in: Savović, Branka, Mandić, Radivoj, Radenović, Sandra (eds.), International Scientific Conference Effects of Physical Activity Application to Anthropological Status With Children, Youth and Adults / Conference Proceedings, Belgrade: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, 2017, pp. 63-69
  2. W. J. Morgan and A. MacIntyre – the Roots of Internalism in Sport, in: Suzović, Dejan, Janković, Nenad, Prebeg, Goran, Čosić, Marko (eds.): Book of Proceedings. International Scientific Conference Effects of Physical Activity Application to Anthropological Status With Children, Adolescents and Adults, Belgrade: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, 2019, pp. 488-493


Chapter in the Book

  1. About 1st International Conference Ethics, Bioethics and Sport, in: Matija Mato Škerbić (ed.) 1st International Conference Ethics, Bioethics and Sport, Croatian Philosophical Society, Zagreb, 2018, pp. 9-14
  2. Ethics, Bioethics and Sport in Southeast Europe, in:  Škerbić, Matija Mato (ur.), 2nd International Conference Ethics, Bioethics and Sport, Zagreb: Croatian Bioethics Society, 2019, pp. 9-14
  3. Praktički i praktični sport: razotkrivanje tajnog života jednog filozofa [Autotelic and Instrumentalized Sport: Revealing the Secret Life of a Philosopher], in: Sunajko, Goran; Jurić, Hrvoje; Selak Raspudić, Marija (eds.) Praktička ontologija. Povodom 70 godina Line Veljaka, Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo i Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2022, pp. 103-113
  4. Philosophy of Sport Started in 1972 – Who is to be Praised for What?, in: Lecocq, Gilles ; Andrieu, Bernard ; Agostinucci, Marie ; Lorente, David ; Legendre, Alexandre (eds.) AUX FRONTIÈRES DU PHÉNOMÈNE SPORTIF - Des temps de métamorphoses, des espaces de résonances - At the Borders of the Sports Phenomenon. Times of Metamorphoses and Resonance Spaces, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2022
  5. Why There is so Little Discussion on the Non-Human Animals in (the Philosophy of) Sport?, in: Perreira Martins, Constantino (ed.)  Do Cavalo, On Horses, Del Caballo, São Paulo: Dialética, 2024, pp. 62-76


Book Reviews

  1. Massimiliano Lorenzo Cappuccio (ed.): Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology // Synthesis philosophica 36 (2021), 1; pp. 245-248
  2. Bioethics, Genetics and Sport by S. Camporesi and M. McNamee // Pannoniana: Journal of Humanities, IV (2020) 1, pp. 261-267
  3. Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Sport by M. McNamee and W. J. Morgan // Synthesis Philosophica 34 (2019) 2, pp. 484-486


Doctoral Disertation

  1. William John Morgans' Ethics of Sport, Zagreb: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019



Children’s Book in Philosophy

  1. Philosophy – What the Heck is That? 13 Stories of Antique Philosophers (with Bruno Ćurko), Petit Philosophy, Zadar, 2018
Professional memberships

Professional interest:

general: ethics; bioethics; methodology of teaching philosophy and (bio)ethics; philosophy of education; Croatian philosophy and philosophy in Varaždin County

specific: philosophy and bio-ethics of sport - internal or intrinsic values of sport; definition and characterisation of sport; normative theories


Croatian Philosophical Society - Secretary (2018 - 2020); member of International Affairs Committee

Croatian Bioethics Society

International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS) - a member of the Executive Committee

British Philosophy of Sport Association (BPSA)

European Association for the Philosophy of Sport (EAPS) - president

International Forum of Teachers (IFT) of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics.

List of select projects


  1. Integrating Ethics of Sport in the Secondary School Curriculum – Erasmus + Ka2 Strategic Partnership For School Education 2017-2019 (worth: 140 000 euros)


  1. "Routledge Encyclopedia of Sport Studies (ESS)", 2022-2023, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group.
    • part: Philosophy of Sport
    • leader: Javier Francisco Lopez Frias (Penn State University, SAD)            
    • role: author of the chapter 'Philosophy of Sport in South-East Europe'
  2. "A Companion to Christianity and Sport in Europe and North America (19th-21st centuries)", 2020 – 2023.
    • leaders: Dries Vanysacker (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium), Chad Carlson (Hope College, USA), Matt Hoven (St Joseph’s College, University of Alberta, Canada), Ivo Jirasek (Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic)
    • role: author of the chapter: 'Christianity and Sport in Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia’


Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pokrenuti su i ustrojeni 16. studenoga 1992., isprva samo kao dvosemestralni Sveučilišni komparativni studij hrvatske filozofije i društva. Taj je program potom preoblikovan u program redovitog četverogodišnjeg studija.

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