The Faculty of Croatian Studies is a component of the University of Zagreb for interdisciplinary research and teaching of traditional and contemporary cultural, humanistic and social issues related to the Republic of Croatia, the Croatian people and emigrants, such as cultural, political, intellectual history and reality; media public and personal communications; activities of social groups; human perception and behaviour; education; language development; open political, cultural, social and demographic issues of national, regional or pan-European interest.
The vision of intertwining scientific-teaching and scientific-research activities with a common croatological and cultural component contributes to a coherent and profiled scientific-research focus, unites the studied fields of science and thus distinguishes the Faculty of Croatian Studies from other components of the University of Zagreb.
In terms of the Croatian Institutions Act, the Faculty is a public institution.
In terms of the Croatian Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education, it is a research higher-education school, a group of university departments concerned with a major division of knowledge and a component of the University of Zagreb.
In legal transactions, it operates under the name: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Croatian Studies.
In higher education, it operates under the name: Faculty of Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb, and in intra-university terms, under the abbreviated name: Faculty of Croatian Studies.
In Croatian, the institution is called: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet hrvatskih studija.
In Latin, the institution is called: Universitas studiorum Zagrabiensis, Studia Croatica.
In French, the institution is called: Université de Zagreb, Faculté des études croates.
In German, the institution is called: Universität Zagreb, Fakultät für kroatische Studien.
In Italian, the institution is called: Università di Zagabria, Facoltà di studi croati.
In Polish, the institution is called: Uniwersytet Zagrzebski, Wydział Studiów Chorwackich.
In Russian, the institution is called: Загребский университет, факультет хорватских исследований.
In Slovak, the institution is called: Univerzita v Záhrebe, Fakulta chorvátskych štúdií.
In Slovenian, the institution is called: Univerza v Zagrebu, Fakulteta za hrvaške študije.
In Spanish, the institution is called: Universidad de Zagreb, Facultad de Estudios Croatas.
In Ukrainian, the institution is called: Загребський університет, факультет хорватських студій.
In Old Slavonic, the institution is called: sveuyiliwte v[ zagreb; fakultet[ hr[vatskih[ studii
[Sveučilište vъ Zagrebê, Fakultetъ hrьvatskihъ studii].