Published: 2021-09-12 at 21:45

The promotion of new generation of academic citizens, master students, who obtained their titles at the Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, took place on Saturday, 11th September 2021, in two groups, at 9 and 11 a.m. at the Borongaj university campus, in the Zagreb Hall.

108 graduates, of which 63 masters of the profession and 45 masters of education with their families attended the graduation ceremony on 11th September 2021. Those are the students, who achieved their titles by completing graduate studies of:

- Communication Sciences – 27 masters of communication,
- Croatian Latinity – nine masters of education in Latin, Roman literature and Croatian Latin,
- Croatology – 16: one master of croatology and 15 masters of education in croatology,
- History – 12: three masters of history and nine masters of education in history,
- Philosophy – four masters of education in philosophy,
- Psychology – 32 masters of psychology and
- Sociology – eight: five masters of sociology and three masters of education in sociology.

Dean Prof. Stjepan Ćosić congratulated the graduates on the achieved goals and the work invested. He pointed out: "While studying at this faculty, you chose a vocation, not just a profession. Which is the call of an intellectual. You have decided to dedicate yourself to social and humanistic disciplines, sciences that have their basis in man and in society, not in technology. This fact has a special weight and imposes a great responsibility upon you, the responsibility of true intellectuals. Namely, the sciences we deal with and the values ​​we promote based on these sciences do not have material and financial correlations. Their purpose is in themselves. In other words, based on the knowledge we acquire and the ideas we create and are people, human beings, members of a society with its own history, heritage and specific values, people with their own identity. We are obliged to pass that on to future generations. ”The entire address of Dean Ćosić is available here

The graduates took the solemn oath before the Dean Stjepan Ćosić:

"I swear to the University of Zagreb that:
• I shall work for the benefit of humanity, my Croatian nation and my homeland of the Republic of Croatia,
• I will act as academic citizens in my environment in my honour and in honour of the University of Zagreb,
• I will further develop and transfer my knowledge, acquired during my studies, to young people,
• I will be a conscientious educator, guardian of our cultural values ​​and a fighter for scientific truth.
With the graduation ceremony, graduate students became academic citizens. This is symbolised by transferring of the tassel on the drop from left to right.

he dean was accompained by: vice dean for education and students Prof. Dario Vučenović, vice dean for career development and lifelong learning Prof. Lovorka Brajković, head of the Department of Philosophy and Culturology Prof. Mislav Kukoč, head of the Department of Croatology Prof. Mario Grčević, head of the Department of History Prof. Mirjana Matijević Sokol, head of the Department of Sociology Prof. Stipan Tadić, head of the Department of Communication Science Prof. Danijel Labaš and the head of the Department of Psychology Prof. Jelena Maričić. The Dean wished the graduates luck in their future professional and private life to the pride of the Faculty of Croatian Studies, and the heads of the departments announced the applicants according to their academic titles.

This was the first promotion with diplomas from the Faculty of Croatian Studies and the first promotion of Studia Croatia alumni at which the dean has been distributing the diplomas and which diplomas were signed by the dean. In the period from 31st October 2019 to 1st July 2021, 182 students completed graduate studies at the Faculty of Croatian Studies.

The Article 42 of the Statute of the Faculty of Croatian Studies prescribes: “After completing the studies, the student shall be issued a diploma. The diploma confirms that the student has completed his studies and acquired the right to an appropriate academic degree, academic title or professional title. A copy of the diploma transcript shall keep in the archives of the Faculty. The dean shall sign the diploma of the completed graduate study, and the dry stamp of the Faculty shall certify it. The diploma is issued on the prescribed form in the Croatian language. At the graduate's request, the diploma shall be issued in Latin or English as well. In addition to the diploma, a diploma supplement shall be issued in Croatian, and on request in English, confirming courses taken, grades awarded and ECTS achieved and other information necessary to understand academic achievements. A diploma supplement shall be signed by the dean and certified by the Faculty seal. Diplomas, certificates and attestations issued by the Faculty are public documents. The diploma shall be usually awarded on promotion. The promotion is carried out by the dean, and in case of his impediment, the vice-dean, with the participation of two vice-deans, one of whom is a promoter."

A video of the promotion at 9 a.m. can be viewed at the link.

A video of the promotion at 11 a.m. can be viewed at the link.

A photo gallery from the promotion at 9 a.m. can be looked round at the link.

A photo gallery from the promotion at 11 a.m. can be looked round at the link.

The promotion at 9 a.m.
The promotion at 9 a.m.

The promotion at 11 a.m.
The promotion at 11 a.m. 


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Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pokrenuti su i ustrojeni 16. studenoga 1992., isprva samo kao dvosemestralni Sveučilišni komparativni studij hrvatske filozofije i društva. Taj je program potom preoblikovan u program redovitog četverogodišnjeg studija.

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