Published: 2018-04-05 at 10:31
Danijela Vnučec Grdović

University Department of Croatian Studies will offer 35 courses to foreign students in the academic year 2017/18.

1. Courses in bold italic typeface are elective courses offered in English only to foreign students.

2. Courses in bold typeface are elective courses offered in foreign languages to all students, home and foreign alike.

3. Courses in  normal typeface  are for the most part obligatory courses, planned for delivery in Croatian to home students, but they are open for enrolment to foreign students too. These courses will be taught in English to foreign students upon their expression of interest, in individual tutorials or smaller groups

Form for the enrolment approval of elective courses

Lecturers marked with an asterisk (*) are external associates/adjuncts of the University Department for Croatian Studies.

Foreign students are advised to bear in mind the unlikely eventuality of cancellation of some elective courses on short notice, due to insufficient interest.

Home students are encouraged to enroll in elective courses held in foreign langauges in order to acquire additional competences and to prepare themselves for mobility.

History of Croatia Ivana Jukić, Assist. Prof.     and others History, Croatian Studies BA W   4  B1
Croatian Culture Davor Piskač, Assist. Prof. History, Croatian Studies BA W   4  B1
Theories of Human Nature  Tomislav Bracanović,  Assoc. Prof. Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology BA S   5  B1
Academic English Lucia Saletović Miškulin, Senior Lecturer Foreign Languages BA W and S   4  B2
Writing in English *Vedrana Vojković Estatiev, Lecturer Foreign Languages BA W and S   4  B2
English for Journalists Spomenka Bogdanić, Lecturer Foreign Languages, Communication Studies BA W and S   4  B2
Modern English and the Media Spomenka Bogdanić, Lecturer Foreign Languages, Communication Studies BA S   4  C1
Strategic Thinking


Daria Mateljak, Lecturer

Foreign Languages, Communication Studies MA S   5  B2
Gender, Sexuality and Human Rights *Ivana Radačić, Assist. Prof. Sociology, Philosophy, Communication Science BA S   4  B2
Sectoral Public Relations Daria Mateljak, Lecturer Foreign Languages, Communication Studies BA W 5 B2
Developmental Neurobiology *Zdravko Petanjek, Full Prof. Psychology BA S   3  B1
Neurobiology of Behavioural Disturbances and Psych. Disorders *Zdravko Petanjek, Full Prof. Psychology BA S   3  B1
English Language Communication and Presentation Skills Vedrana Vojković Estatiev, Lecturer Foreign Languages MA W and S   5  C1
Language, Power and Identity Klara Bilić Meštrić, Senior Assistant Communication Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology MA W   5  B2
Political Aspects of Mass Communication *Lucia Vesnić Alujević, PhD Communication Studies MA W   5  B2
Deviance at the workplace Irena Cajner Mraović, Assoc. Prof. Sociology, Psychology MA W   4  B1
Biblical Archaeology Eva Katarina Glazer, Senior Assistant History MA W   3  B2
European Union and Croatia Mladen Puškarić, Assoc. Prof. Sociology, History, Croatian Studies MA S   5  B1
An Introduction to Global Communications Danijel Labaš, Assoc. Prof. Communication Studies, Sociology MA S   5  B1
Psychology of Mass Communication and Mass Media *Roland Mangold, Full Professor Communication Studies, Psychology, Sociology MA S   5  B2
Explaining Social Behavior Tomislav Janović, Assist. Prof. Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology MA S   5  B1
Practicum of Biological Psychology *Zdravko Petanjek, Full Prof. Psychology BA W   4  B1
Psychology of the Gifted Nina Pavlin Bernardić, Assist. Prof. Psychology BA W   3  B1
Principles of Cell Biology and Genetics Sanja Darmopil, Assist. Prof. Psychology BA W   3  B1
Sociology of Science and Technology Marija Brajdić Vuković, Assist. Prof. Sociology, Philosophy, Communication Studies MA W   5  B1
Contemporary Tendencies in Cultural Theory Anita Dremel, Assist. Prof. Sociology, Communication Science, Philosophy MA W   5  B2
Criminology of Bullying Irena Cajner Mraović, Assoc. Prof. Sociology, Psychology MA W   3  B1
Practicum in Experimental Biological Psychology Sanja Darmopil, Assist. Prof. and Milan Radoš, Assist. Prof. Psychology MA W   3  B1
History and Archeology Eva Katarina Glazer, Senior Assistant History, Croatian Studies, Latin MA S   5  B2
Cultural History Eva Katarina Glazer, Senior Assistant History, Croatian Studies, Latin MA S   5  B2
Psychology of Ageing Jasminka Despot Lučanin, Full Prof. Psychology MA S   3  B2
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