Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost


Congratulations on Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day


In our joy that the opening of the Pelješac Bridge will finally allow free movement of people and goods on the Croatian mainland, we recall the words of Cardinal Kuharić on August 5, 1995:

"Years have passed. Many negotiations were held, but no solutions were reached. In four years, no exile could come to his home.

The Croatian people did not want war, they wanted to realize their full right to freedom and independence in their homeland. The initiative for war did not come from Croatia, nor did the desire to conquer a foreign country. Objectively and fairly considered, Croatia is the victim of an unjust aggression. This aggression has brought indescribable suffering to individuals, families and the whole nation.

The principle of self-defense is a right that cannot be denied to any victim of unjust violence. Every state under the rule of law is obliged to ensure a normal life in freedom and peace for all its citizens by the means permitted. In Croatia, this normal life has been impeded by the occupation and disruption of vital roads.

There is a moral right to self-defense, but there is also a moral duty that this self-defense takes place within the limits of ethical norms, does not turn into hatred and revenge, respects moral principles regarding the opponent and his property.

Enough suffering! Enough tears and blood! Enough wounds and death!

We pray fervently that the days of peace and reconciliation will dawn. "

The state territory liberated by the Croatian Army in 1995 is marked in red

We congratulate Croatian veterans, colleagues, employees, associates and friends Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day!

Dean Stjepan Ćosić and Vice Deans of the Faculty of Croatian Studies

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