Study Programme
List of required courses of the study program in Demography and Croatian Diaspora


1st Semester

  • Demography 1
  • Methods for Researching the Croatian Diaspora
  • Fundamental Mathematics in Demography
  • Fundamental Statistics in Demography
  • History of Croatian Emigration
  • Theory of Migration

2nd Semester

  • Demography 2
  • Demographic Measures and Models
  • Croatian Minority Communities
  • Public Systems and Population
  • Historical Demography
  • Typology of Emigration

3rd Semester

  • GIS Population Analysis
  • Philosophical and Theological Approach to Population
  • Croatian Emigrant Art and Culture
  • Croatian Diaspora and Entire Development
  • Cultural Identity of Croatian Diaspora 
  • Software for Demographic Research

4th Semester

  • Demographic Databases
  • Prominent Croats in Emigration
  • Integrative Bioethics
  • New Concept of the State
  • Legal Aspects of Emigration and Return Migration

5th Semester

  • Global Strategy
  • Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Integration of Croatia with its Diaspora
  • Population Policy
  • Croatian Population

6th Semester

  • Theoretical and Methodological Concepts in Demography
  • Croatian Political Emigration
  • Organisations of Emigration and Return Migration
  • Education in the Croatian Diaspora
  • Fieldwork 1

7th Semester

  • Croats in Germany
  • Economic Potential of the Diaspora
  • Croatian Women in the Diaspora
  • Corporate Demography
  • Croatian Catholic Missions

8th Semester

  • Croatian Diaspora and the Homeland War
  • Integration Approach
  • Electoral Systems
  • Regional Economics
  • Fieldwork 2

9th Semester

  • World Population
  • Regional Demography
  • Population and Financial Systems
  • Population, Migration and National Security

10th Semester

  • Diplomatic and Consular Relations
  • Demographic Revitalization Patterns
  • Immigration Models
  • Diploma Thesis


List of elective courses of the study program in Demography and Croatian Diaspora
  • Graduate Seminar [principles and instructions in making the diploma thesis, if the thesis is to be written within this study program]
  • Demographic Case Study [if the student chooses to write the diploma thesis in the second study program]
  • Demographic Projections and Simulations
  • Demographic Aspects of Aggression against Croatia 1990–1998
  • Labour Economics
  • Geopolitics and Geostrategy
  • Croats in Australia and New Zealand
  • Croats in South America
  • Croats in North America
  • Croatian Media Abroad
  • Croatian Diaspora and Public Action
  • Identity of Molise Croats
  • Integration of the Croatian Immigrants
  • Migration of Highly Educated Young People
  • Space and Population
  • European Population
  • Transition, State, Diaspora
  • Famous Croats Worldwide
  • Literary Heritage of the West-Hungarian Croats


Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pokrenuti su i ustrojeni 16. studenoga 1992., isprva samo kao dvosemestralni Sveučilišni komparativni studij hrvatske filozofije i društva. Taj je program potom preoblikovan u program redovitog četverogodišnjeg studija.

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