Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

About employee

prof. dr. sc. Šime Demo

Full Professor

Tuesdays 11:45-12:45 (with previous notice)

Department of Croatian Latinity
Graduation year:
PhD graduation year:
Department since:





He was born 1979 in Rijeka. He completed a BA in Classical Philology in 2002 and a PhD in Linguistics in 2008 at the University of Zagreb (thesis: ”Verbal valency in Croatian Grammars of Latin”; supervisor: prof. dr. Ivo Pranjković, co-supervisor: prof. dr. Mate Križman).

From 2004 to 2010 he worked at the Croatian Institute of History, then moved to the Faculty of Croatian Studies. Served two terms (2010-2012, 2014-2016) as the chair of the Department of Croatian Latinity. Since 2002 he has taught eighteen courses in the field of Latin language and literature. 

In 2007 he attended an intense two-month programme in advanced Latin language and literature Aestiva Romae Latinitas with p. Reginald Foster (Rome, Italy). Thanks to a scholarship by the Belgian Nurus foundation and Croatian Science Foundation, he had a one-semester research stay at the Katholike Universiteit Leuven (Louvain, Belgium) in 2011-2012, while a scholarship by the Austrian Academy of Sciences took him to a six-month stay at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für neulateinische Studien and Leopold-Franzens-Universität (Innsbruck, Austria) in 2017-2018. He participated twice (Szeged-Budapest, Hungary, 2008; Rome, Italy, 2010) in seminars of spoken Latin organised by the Academia Vivarium novum.

He has participated in ten research projects and lead two research groups within the University of Zagreb. In the period 2023-2027 he has led the research project Early modern Latin lapidary inscriptions in the churches of southern Istria: documentation, analysis, contextualisation (Croatian Science Foundation, IP-2022-10-5068). Within his institute, he was the president of the Work group for the reform of the Latin language course and a member of several of its internal committees. For the Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency, he has participated in the national committee for school competitions in classical languages, as well as in working groups for certifying school textbooks. He has been a member of editorial boards of the journals Kroatologija and Systasis.

He authored three books (of which one, co-authored with Pavao Knezović, is a university manual), edited four books, and published about forty articles in journals and collections, about fifteen reviews, and about twenty translations from Latin. He talked at around forty conferences and professional meetings in Croatia and abroad, and had five public lectures.

He reported on two research projects, six books, a large number of articles for about twenty journals and collections, four canididates for academic positions, and four textbooks. He helped organise four academic conferences and five times organised guest stays of foreign academics at his institute. He was invited lecturer at three foreign universities (Louvain, Belgium; Olomouc, Czech Republic; Belgrade, Serbia - 3 times).

Professional interests: Latin language (especially post-medieval), macaronic Latin, digital humanities.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

List of select publications

  • Books
  1. Uvod u latinsku makaronsku književnost, Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada 2023.
  2. Macaronica Croatica, Split: Književni krug 2019. (R: Tamara Tvrtković, Latina et Graeca 38 (2020): 134–135.)
  3. (with Pavao Knezović) Latinski jezik 1–2, Zagreb: Hrvatski studiji 2015. (udžbenik Sveučilišta u Zagrebu)
  4. Kanonske vizitacije Senjske i Modruške (Krbavske) biskupije. Personalne vizitacije župe Senj (18. stoljeće), Zagreb: Hrvatski institut za povijest 2007.
  • Books edited
  1. (with Mislav Gregl, Maja Rupnik-Matasović, Tamara Tvrtković and Milan Vrbanus) Zapisnik franjevačkog samostana u Našicama. Knjiga 3 (1788.–1820.), Slavonski Brod: Hrvatski institut za povijest – Podružnica za povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje; Našice: Zavičajni muzej Našice, Franjevački samostan sv. Antuna Padovanskog, Grad Našice; Zagreb: Hrvatski institut za povijest 2017.
  2. Journal Kroatologija, special issue: "Hrvatski latinisti": 7 (2016): 1.
  3. (with Mislav Gregl, Maja Rupnik-Matasović, Tamara Tvrtković and Milan Vrbanus) Zapisnik franjevačkog samostana u Našicama. Knjiga 2 (1788.–1820.), Slavonski Brod: Hrvatski institut za povijest – Podružnica za povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje; Našice: Zavičajni muzej Našice, Franjevački samostan sv. Antuna Padovanskog, Grad Našice; Zagreb: Hrvatski institut za povijest 2012.
  4. (with Maja Rupnik-Matasović, Tamara Tvrtković and Milan Vrbanus) Zapisnik franjevačkog samostana u Našicama. Knjiga 1 (1739.–1787.), Slavonski Brod: Hrvatski institut za povijest – Podružnica za povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje; Našice: Zavičajni muzej Našice, Franjevački samostan sv. Antuna Padovanskog, Grad Našice; Zagreb: Hrvatski institut za povijest 2010, 413 pp. (R: Ana Zujić, Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti 28 (2010), 257–259.)
  5. Antun Vrančić, Tri spisa, Šibenik: Gradska knjižnica Juraj Šižgorić 2004, 95 pp. (R: Ivan Botica, Povijesni prilozi 27 (2004), 200–201.)
  • Articles
  1. "Artificial fusion: The curious case of Macaronic Latin", International Journal of Bilingualism 25/2 (2021), 369-383.
  2. "Stubborn persistence at the outskirts of the West: Latin in nineteenth-century Croatia", Le latin et la littérature néo-latine au XIXe siècle: Pratiques et représentations (ed. Christophe Bertiau, Dirk Sacré), Turnhout: Brepols 2020, 115–132.
  3. "Getting help from a daughter. Linguistic methodology and early modern philology", Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 44 (Philology Then and Now. Proceedings of the Conference held at the Danish Academy in Rome, 16 July 2019) (2019), 113-134.
  4. (with Nathalie Tassotti) "Verb conjugation selection in macaronic Latin: a corpus-based analysis", Lemmata linguistica Latina. Part I: Words and Sounds (ed. Nigel Holmes, Marijke Ottink, Josine Schrickx, Maria Selig), Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter 2019, 329–348.
  5. "Macaronic Latin. When a language goes wild", Cursor 14 (2018), 34–37.
  6. "Rukopisna latinska gramatika Šime Starčevića. Prvo čitanje", Od dvojbe do razdvojbe. Zbornik radova u čast profesorici Branki Tafri (ed. Petra Košutar, Mislav Kovačić), Zagreb: Ibis grafka 2018, 299–315.
  7. "Structure of the vocabulary in macaronic Latin: A digital approach", Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Vindobonensis (ed. Astrid Steiner-Weber, Franz Römer), Leiden: Brill 2018, 226–237.
  8. "Mining macaronics", Multilingual Practices in Language History: English and Beyond (ed. Päivi Pahta, Janne Skaffari, Laura Wright), Boston; Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton 2018, 199–222.
  9. "Social context and extreme linguistic forms: The case of neo-Latin macaronics", Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku održanoga od 24. do 26. travnja 2015. godine u Zadru (ed. Sanda Lucija Udier, Kristina Cergol Kovačević), Zagreb: Srednja Europa; HDPL 2016, 49–61.
  10. "Painting the new reality: Colours in Neo-Latin", Arctos 49 (2015), 33-55.
  • Reviews
  1. "Hrvatska filozofija od 12. do 19. stoljeća. Izbor djelâ na latinskome, sv. I-III, (ur. Erna Banić-Pajnić, Mihaela Girardi-Karšulin, Filip Grgić, Ivana Skuhala Karasman), Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju 2015, XI+497+XI+535+XI+465 str., 150+150+150 kn.", Kroatologija 7(2016): 1, 97-100.
  2. "Gerd V. M. Haverling (ed.), Latin Linguistics in the Early 21st Century: Acts of the 16th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistic, Uppsala, June 6th–11th, 2011. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Latina Upsaliensia, 35. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, 2015. Pp. 652. ISBN 9789155492717. SEK 478 (pb).", Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.04.21.
  3. "Concepción Cabrillana, Christian Lehmann (ed.), Acta XIV Colloquii Internationalis Linguisticae Latinae. Bibliotheca Linguae Latinae, 5. Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas, 2014. Pp. 463.", Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.11.05.
  • Teaching materials
  1. (s Pavlom Knezovićem) Latinski jezik 1–2. Priručnik za studente (photocopy), 2008, 280 pp.
  2. (s Pavlom Knezovićem) Latinski jezik: Scylla. Priručnik za studente, Zagreb: Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2005, 191 pp.
  3. Latinski jezik 3 - skripta
  4. Latinski jezik 4 - skripta

Awards and acknowledgments

He received four times (for five papers) the award of his institute for a paper of high international visibility, as well as the Award for highest scientific and artistic achievements in the Republic of Croatia in 2023 in the scientific field of philology, awarded by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He received the State Award for Science in the category of Annual Award for Science (2023).

Professional memberships

  • Croatian Philological Society
  • Croatian Society of Classical Philologists: Member of the Executive Committee (2010–), President (2023–2027), Deputy at Euroclassica (2010–), Vice-President and Member of the Executive Committee of Euroclassica (2023–2027)
  • International Association for Neo-Latin Studies (member of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Committee for Digital Resources, 2022–)
  • Renaissance Society of America
  • Associazione Internazionale per gli Studi Folenghiani "Amici di Merlin Cocai"
  • Journal Systasis: Member of the Editorial Board (2010–)
  • Journal Kroatologija: Member of the Editorial Board (2009–2019)
  • XXX. Euroclassica Conference (Split-Mostar, 2021): Member of the Organisational Board
  • Conference On the soul (Skopje, Macedonia, 2016): Member of the Program Board
  • Conference on Juraj Rattkay (Zagreb, 2016): Member of the Organisational Board
  • Second Croatology Conference (Zagreb, 2011): Member of the Organisational Board
  • Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb: Member of the Publishing Committee (2011–2018), Member of the Board of Quality Insurance (2010–2012)
  • Euroclassica European Latin and Greek Exams: Coordinator for Croatia (2012–)
  • Croatian Ministry of Science: Member of Board for School Competitions in Classical Languages (2013–),Member of Board for Evaluation of School Manuals (2013–)

List of select projects

  • 2016–2018: Klasicizam i antiklasicizam u renesansnom latinitetu [Classicism and anticlassicisam in renaissance Latinism] (Sveučilište u Zagrebu / University of Zagreb); 2018 – Principal Investigator
  • 2015: Crkva i latinski u Hrvatskoj i BiH: jezik, žanrovi, povijest [Church and Latin in Croatia and B-H: language, genres, history] (Sveučilište u Zagrebu / University of Zagreb) – Principal Investigator
  • 2014: Dvojezični računalni grčko-hrvatski i latinsko-hrvatski korpus (GHLH korpus Sveučilišta u Zagrebu) [Bilingual computerised Greek-Croatian and Latin-Croatian corpus (University of Zagreb GHLH Corpus)] (Sveučilište u Zagrebu / University of Zagreb)
  • 2014–2018: Textual networks of early modern Croatia (Hrvatska zaklada za znanost / Croatian Science Foundation)
  • 2014–: Hrvatska pisana baština od 17. do 19. stoljeća [Croatian Written Heritage from the 17th to the 19th century] (Sveučilište u Rijeci / University of Rijeka)
  • 2007–13: Civilna Hrvatska ranog novovjekovlja : društveno-kulturno-politički odnosi [Civilian Croatia in the Early Modern Period: Social, Cultural and Political Relations] (Ministarstvo znanosti Republike Hrvatske  Croatian Ministry of Science)
  • 2005–06: Percepcija Turaka u hrvatskoj latinističkoj historiografiji 16. i 17. st. [Perception of Turks in Croatian Latinist Historiography] (Ministarstvo znanosti Republike Hrvatske / Croatian Ministry of Science)
  • 2004–05: Kanonske vizitacije Senjske i Modruške ili Krbavske biskupije [Canonical Visitations of the Diocese of Senj and Modruš/Krbava] (Ministarstvo znanosti Republike Hrvatske / Croatian Ministry of Science)