About employee
Goran Radoš, dr. sc.
Location: 106
Public phone number:012457627
Internal phone number:7627
Cellphone number:+385981717170
E-mail: E-mail
Odsjek: Department of Communication Sciences
PhD graduation year:2019
Department since:2019


Business Resume

Lecturer Goran Rados, PhD, a native of Zagreb, Croatia, Economist, Criminologyst and Politic Scientist has a 20+ professional years on executive positions in public diplomacy service (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Republic of Croatia) and profit sector, both in economics and infrastructure projects as well in migrations/demography field (Ministry for Reconstruction and Development; Central State Office for Croats Abroad) and academia (University of Zagreb; University of Applied Sciences Baltazar; Croatian Society for Science and Arts).

In profit sector he had mid to higher managerial positions at insurance industry (Procurement Director, Director of Procurement and Assets, IT Director, and Inspection Stations Construction Coordinator), and as a Liquidation Manager and Interim Executive Manager in profit companies responsible for rapid deploying executive solutions for resolving organizational problems, improving decision making processes and management changes, with advanced verbal and numerical reasoning aproach.

Also, he possesses proficiency business skills and experience as a CEO and in the management of assets, sales (General Manager; Executive Director for Finance /CFO/, Investments and Development), investment and financial management (Temporary Fund Manager). Additionally, he is extra skilled for applicable cost management decisions making and procurement processes in profit and public sector.


Degrees : 

PhD in Economics (Management), IUT.

M.A. Economics, UNIZG.

M.S. International Relations, UNIZG

M.A. Communication Study, UNSA

M.A. Security Study, UNIZG

M.A. Criminology, UNSA. B.A. Informatics, UNIZG

B.S. Political Science, UNIZG.


Goran is Homeland war veteran - volunteer.

His civil and military decorations and awards include the Memorial Medal of Homeland Gratitude, Homeland War Memorial Medal and Trophy Weapon Award.







Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database
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