In December 2013 European Commission awarded the University of Zagreb with the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for the whole period of the Erasmus+ programme.

Name of the institution: Sveučilište u Zagrebu (University of Zagreb)
Erasmus code: HR ZAGREB01
ECHE: 255154-EPP-1-2014-1-HR-EPPKA3-1-ECHE
Erasmus Policy Statement

Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements are agreed and signed with a particular Faculty/Academy of the University. University of Zagreb has 32 Faculties and 3 Academies. Contact list for Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements at the Faculties/Academies of the University of Zagreb.

Template for the inter-institutional agreements. (Subject area codes ISCED 2013)

EXTENDED DEADLINE for academic year 2021/22 - 1 November 2020!!!

Central IRO office contact for Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements:

Ida Ogulinac (Ms), Institutional Coordinator
International Relations Office
University of Zagreb
Postal address: Trg Republike Hrvatske 14
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia


Published: 2014-09-09 at 09:17
Edited: 2014-09-09 at 09:18
Danijela Vnučec Grdović

PROVIDER: ZET - Zagreb Electric Tram, Ozaljska street 105 - end station “LJUBLJANICA”

What to do to get a monthly tram pass for students

  1. fill in the ZET-form (in the Information package), sign it and have it stamped by the student services at the

         faculty/academy where you enrol

  1. 1 photo passport size – needs to be stamped by the faculty/academy
  2. issued and confirmed student book, so-called INDEKS

         (needs to be presented as a proof of the student status when submitting the ZET-form)

  1. COST: 30 HRK for the tram pass and 120 HRK for the monthly ticket

ZET-form needs to be submitted at the main (central) ZET building at the end station “LJUBLJANICA”

(tram lines 3, 9, 12) -  when you enter the building go to the ticket window No. 11.

WORKING HOURS: 7:30 am – 3 pm

In the next months students can buy monthly tickets at ZET branches/offices all around the city or at TISAK newsstands / shops. The ZET office nearest to the city centre is in Ulica Frana Petrića 4, working hours: 7.30am – 5.30pm.



The student card, so-called “xica”, enables students to eat in student restaurants, get discount when travelling, going to cinema, theatre, etc.

The Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports allows a weekly subsidy to the following categories of exchange students (BA & MA level): Erasmus+, CEEPUS and scholars of the Croatian National Agency for Mobility and Programmes of EU.

All other categories of exchange students pay the full price of a meal.

The full price of the daily menu is 22,60HRK; students that receive a subsidy on the card pay 6.50HRK whereas the rest (71,24%) is covered by the subsidy. Exchange students are entitled to a weekly subsidy of 225,40HRK, i.e. 901,60HRK.

The student card is issued by the faculty/academy where students enrol and it works as of the semester start.



To apply for the permit you will need to submit the following documents at the Central Police Station in Petrinjska ulica 30, HR-10000 Zagreb, WORKING HOURS: 8am – 3pm.:

  1. Form1a,
  2. Acceptance letter in Croatian from UNIZG stating the study purpose of your stay (in the Information package)
  3. proof of sufficient means of subsistence (statement of bank account, scholarship confirmation or similar) – 1000HRK (approx. 120EUR min./moth)
  4. proof of secured accommodation – copy of the form from the student residence with your personal data OR in case of private accommodation a rental contract and a proof of ownership

COST OF THE PERMIT (administrative fee): Erasmus student need to pay 240HRK. All other categories of exchange students pay the fee of 740HRK.

IMPORTANT: All documents need to be translated into Croatian and certified by a public notary (for example: Lingua-soft, Frankopanska 5A, Phone: + 385 1 4830 401, email:

Students living in private accommodation need to report to the police 3 days upon arrival, students in the student halls of residence have 30 days upon arrival.



CROATICUM – Croatian as Foreign and Second Language, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, ADDRESS: Ivana Lučića street No. 3

COURSE 2 x 2 hours weekly; PRICE: 200EUR Erasmus & bilateral exchange students

Initial meeting: Thursday, 25 September 2014, classroom A-115, at 6pm.




The Welcome Day for international exchange students will take place on Friday, 26 September 2014 in the Hall No. 7 (groundfloor) of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the following address Ivana Lučića 3.

At the Day students will be welcomed by the International Relations office and student organization Erasmus Student Network and will be able to hear some interesting information about living and studying in Zagreb.

The programme will start at 2pm until 4pm

PS. Make sure to be there because all participating students will receive a small welcome gift of the University!



If you don't feel well and need a doctor, this the address where you can turn to / make an appointment:

If it's a weekend / bank holiday, you should go to the EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE INSTITUTE located in Heinzlova 88. This hospital receives accident victims and patients with sudden, serious illnesses 24-hours a day.
In emergencies for which an ambulance is needed dial 112! 112 is the emergency number for fire, ambulance and police. You will be asked to explain what has happened, where it has happened and from which number you are calling.



After you get your username and password at the faculty/academy of the University you will enrol, download the necessary installation software from, get a cable (no wireless in the dorm), and it should work.

News list


Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pokrenuti su i ustrojeni 16. studenoga 1992., isprva samo kao dvosemestralni Sveučilišni komparativni studij hrvatske filozofije i društva. Taj je program potom preoblikovan u program redovitog četverogodišnjeg studija.

Address: Borongajska cesta 83d, Zagreb (map)
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