Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Early-Modern Croatian Literature

Early-Modern Croatian Literature

Code: 37436
ECTS: 5.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Viktoria Franić Tomić
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Viktoria Franić Tomić - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


All teaching activities will be held in Croatian. However, foreign students in mixed groups will have the opportunity to attend additional office hours with the lecturer and teaching assistants in English to help master the course materials. Additionally, the lecturer will refer foreign students to the corresponding literature in English, as well as give them the possibility of taking the associated exams in English.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Subject of instruction is divided into fifteen sections. They are formed on the basis of chronology but at the same time they include the thematic and genre systems. Subject covers the following canonical authors of the Croatian Renaissance: Benedikt Kotruljević, Ivan Česmički, Marko Marulić, poets of Ranjina Collection, Mavro Vetranović, Nikola Nalješković, Hanibal Lucić, Vinko Pribojević, Petar Hektorović, Peter Zoranić, Marin Držić, Mikša Pelegrinović, Sabo Bobaljević, Antun Sasin, Brne Krnarutić, Dominko Zlatarić, Matija Vlačić, Faust Vrančić. Their texts as well as texts less typical but not less important written by literary personalities of the second grade are going to help students in building diachronic view of dominant genres in literature of early modern time. In doing so, we stress the genre of Renaissance drama in comparison with medieval poetics of the space, then also we are going to study profoundly the occurrence of tragedies in the second half of the sixteenth century, than the development of poetry of early renaissance in relation to tendencies of mannerism in early modern poetry. Also will be studied poetic and non poetic nonfiction and fiction texts from that era, as well as didactic questions. Students will acquire the knowledge of ideological concepts and ideologies as well as the changes in style and stylistic formation especially with regard to the relationship between the Renaissance and Medieval and then with the crisis of Renaissance known in stylistic terms as mannerism. In this part of subject with special attention will be studied the books of Burckhardt, Huizinga and Hocke. In details will be described literature in Latin that was established in renaissance Dubrovnik and Dalmatia and also at the Korvin court in Buda With students will be discussed the issues of Protestants within the Croatian literature and its relations with humanistic tradition. With special attention students will be familiarized with the phenomenon of women in the Renaissance, especially with the texts of Marija Gundulić Gozze and Nada Vittoria Speranza Bona. For students will be prepared material on the comparative aspects of Croatian Renaissance literature, especially the relationships with Italian literature of that time, but also the Croatian texts from renaissance will be compared with similar examples in other European literature. During the work we are going to study the numerous texts from the edge of literary space, especially scientific, history writing and philosophical works, as well as those who, though not written with the literary intention show the spiritual level and preoccupations of that time. During work with students will be discussed work of the leading writers who wrote not only in the Croatian language but in other languages such as Italian and Latin.

1.The role of Italians in Croatian humanism: Giovanni of Ravenna, Ciriacco from Ancona, Philippo de Diversis, Tideo Acciarini, Ludovico Beccadelli. The book Asian War by Coriolanus Cippico. Croatian role at the Korvin Court in Buda. Nikola Modruški as an important witness of his time. Poets in Latin Ilija Crijević, Jakov Bunić, Karlo Pucić, Damijan Beneša.
Seminar: Benedikt Kotruljević: The book on Trade and Perfect Merchant.
2. Ludovik Crijević, historian of papal Rome during the reign of the Borgias. Vinko Pribojević, and his speech on greatness of the Slavs. Literature of other Slavic nations in the Renaissance.
Seminar : Vinko Pribojević: On Greatness of the Slavs
3. The first school of Croatian poetry: Petrarchism in Nikša Ranjina Collection. Personalities of Džore Držić and Sigismund Menčetić. Hanibal Lucić his poetry and drama The Slave Girl. Mavro Vetranovic: History of Diana. Hunter and villa. Orfeo.
Seminar : Lucic :The Slave Girl. Vetranović Slaves
4. Library of Marko Marulić and the question of his education. Analysis of Marulić s Judith. Prayer against the Turks. Marulić s Latin works. Davidias as humanistic example of ancient and medieval poetic knowledge.
Seminar : Marko Marulić: Suzana. Marko Marulić: Carnival and Lent. Anka satire.
5. New theories of drama and their metamorphosis during the sixteenth century. The development and interpretation of dramatic literature in the renaissance Europe. Comedy Grižula and its relations to Shakespeare s Midsummer Night s Dream.
6. Petar Hektorović: Fishing and Fishermen conversation. Petar Zoranić: Mountains. Pilgrims in Dalmatia and other foreign passengers during the sixteenth century. Bartul Gjurgjević and his Turkish episodes.
Seminar : Mavro Vetranović: The Abraham Sacrifice; How Brothers Sold Joseph.
7. Life of Marin Držić. The interpretation of the document when he was chosen to the status of canonic. The problem of truth. Siena episode in his life. Travelling with count Rogendorf. The scandal of alleged plagiarism. Statement on the death of Pero Primović.
Seminar: Držić s Conspiratorial letters to Cosimo I de Medici.
8. Analysis of Burckhardt book Culture of the Renaissance in Italy. Critics and interpreters of this book. Pastoral tradition in the fifteenth and sixteenth century, its sources and ideological signs. Tasso s Aminta and his Croatian anticipator. The influences of Tasso s work in Croatian literature. Seminar: Marin Držic: Tirena; The Miser.ž
9. Prolog of Negromant from the Great Indies and his interpreters. Question of literary twins in comedy Pjerin. Possibility of new historic interpretation of Držić s dramas and nonfiction texts.
Seminar : Marin Držić: Uncle Maroje; Conspiratorial letters to Cosimo I de Medici.
10. Women contribution in the Croatian literature during the sixteenth century. Circle of Cvijeta Zuzorić. The authors of the Bay of Kotor in the sixteenth century and their participation in the history of Croatian literature. Poets Bobaljević and Ranjina. Antun Sasin. Mannerism.
Seminar: Marija Gundulić Gozze: Preface to husband s book. Other Women Writings.
11. Renaissance tragedies: Držić Hecuba ; Bunić : Jokasta ; Gučetić : Dalida ; Lukarević : Atamante ; Zlatarić : Elektra ; Brne Krnarutić : Myth of Sigeth and Zrinski in the Croatian literature.
Seminar : Sabo Gučetić: Dalida
12. Comedy in Croatian literature after Držić. Commedia dell arte and its poetics. Martin Benetović. Generic system in Croatian Renaissance literature.
Seminar : Martin Benetović : The Woman from Hvar
13. Three Renaissance writers from the central Croatia: The iconography of Turks in the works of Bartol Gjurgjević. Life and works of adventurer and religious convert Andrija Dudić. Renaissance Systematization of knowledge in the Encyclopedia of Pavle Skalić. Seminar: Croatian lexicography from Skalić to our time.
14. The relation of Protestantism to humanism. Erasmus of Rotterdam and its relations with the Croats. Baldo Lupetina case. Matija Vlačić, his life and works. The contribution of Matija Vlačić to the theory of literary texts and hermeneutics. Urach mission, its participants and achieved results.
Seminar: Matija Vlačić and his Key of Old Testament in the light of modern theory of literature.
15. Faust Vrančić at the court of Rudolph II. Mannerism in Croatian literature. Vrančić s uncle Antun as a travel writer. The impact of the early Jesuits in Croatian literature.
Seminar: Itinerary as autobiography: Antun Vrančić, Journey from Buda to Hadrianopolis.
Learning outcomes:
  1. , Slobodan Prosperov Novak; Povijest hrvatske književnosti od humanističkih početaka do Kašićeve ilirske gramatike 1604. sv. II.; Antibarbarus (1997), , , .
  2. , Mihovil Kombol; Povijest hrvatske književnosti do Narodnog preporoda (priredili Milan Ratković i Jakša Ravlić); Zagreb: Matica hrvatska (1961), , , .
  3. , Krešimir Georgijević; Hrvatska književnost od 16. do 18. stoljeća u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj i Bosni; Zagreb: Matica hrvatska (1969), , , .
  4. , Jacob Burckhardt; Kultura renesanse u Italiji (preveo M. Prelog); Zagreb: Prosvjeta (1997), , , .
Optional literature:
  1. , Gustav Rene Hocke; Manirizam u književnosti: alkemija jezika i ezoterično umijeće kombiniranja: prilozi poredbenoj povijesti evropskih književnosti (preveo A. Stamać); Zagreb: Cekade (1984), , , .
2. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Croatology
Consultations schedule:


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