To familiarise students with the basic terms and concepts of digital sociology in the context of Croatian and world society.
To conduct an analysis of the process of digital transformations of classical patterns of sociability and to develop new methodological-conceptual sociological tools.
To enable students to understand and apply theoretical concepts and empirical analysis of digital-technological and social context of society.
Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes:
Analyse and interpret social phenomena.
Analyse and interpret the impact of social context and social change on human development.
Critically evaluate social processes.
Know and understand the sociological approach in conceptualizing a research problem, operationalize according to the optimal empirical instrument.
Interpret technical and scientific content orally and in writing.
Expected learning outcomes at the level of the course:
1. Analyse digital processes in society itself
2. Recognize the basic characteristics of digital processes in the Republic of Croatia and in the world
3. Apply the acquired knowledge to understand the relationship between the technological and social dimensions of the digital age
4. Explain the positive and negative effects of the digitalization process at the global and national level
5. Describe the consequences of the digital transformation of social space
6. Explain the basic theoretical postulates of digital sociology
7. Make a connection between the process of digitalization and the transformation of modern social communities
8. Compare the connection between digital divide and inequality in the context of different national and regional spaces
9. Develop an awareness of the methods of surveillance capitalism in modernity and the consequences associated with it
10. Use the acquired knowledge in the presentation of topics in the field of digital sociology
Course content:
1. Introduction to the topic of digital sociology; presentation of course objectives, syllabus and literature
2. Area overview and basic concepts of digital sociology
3. Digital technologies and society (web, ICT, Big Data)
4. Methods, tools and data in the analysis of digital sociology
5. Social relations and social action in the digital environment
6. Social and digital space
7. Digital communities
8. Digital economy
9. The role of the media in digital society
10. Digital business organization
11. Digital divide and inequality
12. The relationship between the technological and social dimensions of society
13. Surveillance capitalism
14. Final lecture and recap