Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Deviance at the Workplace

Code: 239921
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge:
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


All teaching activities in the course will be held on English. This level includes courses with multiple groups (i.e., all teaching will be held strictly in Croatian for Croatian groups, and strictly in English for English groups).

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The main objective of the course is to improve students' understanding of the diversity of deviant behaviour in the workplace.
The course provides an overview of the most significant theoretical concepts and the most recent empirical data in the field of deviance at the workplace.
Students will be given the opportunity to familiarize with different theoretical, empirical and practical approaches to deviance in the workplace in different countries.
The course enables students to understand, manage and further explore different forms of deviant behaviour at the workplace.

Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes:
Analysis and interpretation of social phenomena
Critical thinking
Understanding process of development of society and the evolution of its institutions
Specific and professional skills
The ability to engage in the practical application of theoretical knowledge in various fields of applied sociology
The ability to participate in interdisciplinary teamwork

Expected learning outcomes at the level of the course:
1. describe typologies of deviance at the workplace
2. explain the key issues in explaining patterns of destructive and constructive deviance at the workplace
3. explain he key issues in explaining patterns of workplace incivility
4. explain the key issues in explaining patterns of substance abuse at the workplace
5. explain the key issues in explaining deception and theft at the workplace
6. explain the key issues in explaining corporate deviance, corruption, scams, fiddles and sabotage at the workplace
7. explain the key issues in explaining patterns of violence at the workplace
8. identify the major personal and organizational predictors of deviance at the workplace
9. identify sexual harassment at the workplace
10. identify the social context in which violence and other forms of workplace deviance occur

Course content:
1. Introduction
2. Typology of deviant behaviour at the workplace. Sorting out the difference: occupational deviance, occupational crime, workplace crime
3. Two-dimensional and multidimensional configuration of deviance in the workplace. Social undermining at the workplace.
4. Destructive and constructive deviance at the workplace: Standards for judging deviance in the workplace; Theoretical framework of destructive and constructive deviance in the workplace.
5. The effects of workplace social capital on misconduct at work. Organisational and ethical climate as correlates of deviance in the workplace: Employee wellness, satisfaction and quality of life in the workplace in relation to workplace deviance.
6. Multi-level, cross-sectional studies of workplace social capital and different forms of deviant behaviour in the workplace. Researching situational and cultural factors related to destructive and constructive deviance at the workplace. Researching predictors of workplace deviance.
7. The first test
8. Workplace incivility, substance abuse in the workplace, deception and theft in the workplace
9. Corporate deviance. Corruption. Scams, fiddles and sabotage in the workplace
10. Violence at the workplace.
11. Sexual harassment at the workplace
12. Mobbing
13. Second test
14. Group work reports
15. Final remarks
Learning outcomes:
Consultations schedule:


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