O nama

Psihologija je suvremena društvena znanost koja se razvila kao nezaobilazna znanstvena disciplina, ne samo zbog znanstvenih teorija i spoznaja iz glavnog predmeta svog bavljenja - ljudskog ponašanja i doživljavanja, već i zbog primjene rezultata psihologijskih istraživanja u mnogim područjima ljudskog djelovanja. Zahtjevi za profilom psihologa u razvijenim društvima rastu te se očekuje da će ta struka biti među vodećima po zapošljavanju u idućim desetljećima.

Studijski program omogućuje studentima stjecanje Europske diplome psihologa (EDP) čime je stvorena pretpostavka da svaki student dobivanjem diplome u pogledu profesionalne osposobljenosti i stručnih kompetencija može računati na njezinu cjelovitu prihvaćenost unutar Europske unije. Program studija istovremeno je i originalan, jer slijedi osnovnu koncepciju Hrvatskih studija, a to je da se obrazovanju studenata pristupa interdisciplinarno. Na diplomskoj razini ovakav program omogućuje teorijsku, metodološku i praktičnu naobrazbu, osposobljavanje i trening u više područja primijenjene psihologije, a posebice kliničkom, organizacijskom i obrazovnom. Obrazovanje koje su završili, znanja, kompetencije i vještine koje su stekli a nalaze se u nastavnom planu i programu studija psihologije, pružaju diplomiranom studentu psihologije niz mogućnosti te ga čine kvalificiranim i kompetitivnim sudionikom na postojećem tržištu rada.
O studijskom programu, nastavnicima, studentima i ostalim podacima koji vas zanimaju, pročitajte i pogledajte na stranicama Odsjeka za psihologiju Fakulteta hrvatskih studija.

Objavljeno: 12. 2. 2018. u 14:42
Iva Černja Rajter

We are editing a special issue entitled: The psychology of irrational beliefs to appear in the Journal Psihologija. Psihologija is an international peer-reviewed gold Open Access quarterly journal, listed in WoS, PsychINFO, Scopus etc.; journal's five-year impact factor is 0.420.

Focus of the Special Issue, Aims, and Scope
There is accumulated evidence that irrational beliefs should not be viewed as rare, pathological phenomena. On the contrary, irrational beliefs are widespread and cannot be tied to any specific culture or social environment.
We use the term Irrational beliefs as an umbrella term for a variety of psychological constructs, from superstition to conspiracy beliefs. Apart from its distribution in general and specific populations (e.g. scientists or medical professionals), we are also interested in the determinants of these beliefs (perceptive, cognitive and motivational) and their outcomes in different areas (from civic activism to health-related behaviours).
The topics of interest for contributed papers include, but are not limited to:
• Various types of irrational beliefs: conspiracy theories, superstitions, paranormal beliefs etc;
• Rational vs. irrational beliefs: Analytical vs. intuitive thinking; Scientific vs non-scientific reasoning;
• Determinants of irrational beliefs: Basic Personality Traits, Cognitive styles (e.g., Need for closure, Need for Consistency), Perception styles (Illusory pattern perception), Motivational determinants (e.g., Need for uncertainty reduction), Competences (e.g. Scientific literacy or Media literacy)
• Outcomes of irrational beliefs– e.g. in civic activism (distrust in public institutions, non-voting, non-volunteering), educational context (climate change denial, creationism, and other pseudo-scientific content in curricula), or in health-related behaviour (non-vaccinating, avoiding traditional medicine).
The topics can be addressed either from the perspective of social psychology or psychology of individual differences.

How to Submit
There is a two-stage submissions process. Initially, interested authors are requested to submit extended abstracts of their proposed papers. Authors of the selected abstracts will then be invited to submit full papers. All papers will undergo blind peer review.
Stage 1: Structured Abstract Submission
Interested authors should submit a structured abstract of the planned manuscript before submitting a full paper. The goal is to provide authors with prompt feedback regarding the suitability and relevance of the planned manuscript to the special issue.
Structured abstracts must not exceed 1500 words and should entail the following sections: (a) Background, (b) Objectives, (c) Research question(s) and/or hypothesis/es, (d) Method, (e) Results, (f) Conclusions and implications (expected).
Structured abstracts should be submitted via email to both guest editors: izezelj@f.bg.ac.rs and ljiljana.lazarevic@f.bg.ac.rs. Please state in the subject that it is a submission for a special issue of Psihologija. The deadline for submission of structured abstracts is March 1, 2018.
Stage 2: Full Paper Submission
For those who have been encouraged to submit a full paper, the deadline for submission of manuscripts is June 1, 2018.
Full manuscripts should be submitted electronically, via http://aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/psi/user/register.
Please state clearly in the Cover letter that it is a submission for a special issue. Full manuscripts will undergo a blind peer-review process. All papers should adhere to the APA reporting standards and should not be longer than 5000 words.
For detailed journal guidelines please consult:
http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/journal.aspx?issn=0048-5705&pg=instructionsforauthors .

About the Journal
Psihologija is an international peer-reviewed Open Access quarterly journal, listed in major databases: WoS, PsychINFO, Scopus.
ISSN: 0048-5705
Impact factor: 0.333
5-Year Impact Factor: 0.420
It is published by Serbian Psychological Association, subsidized by Serbian Ministry of Science.
The journal strongly supports Open Science policies and is published under “gold” open access.
There are no charges for authors or any third party for publication.
Manuscripts are available in an Online-first format immediately upon acceptance.
Important Dates
March 15, 2018: Abstract Submission
April 1, 2018: Decision on Submitted Abstract
June 15, 2018: Submission deadline
August 15, 2018: First Round Decisions
October 15, 2018: Revised manuscripts due
December 15, 2018: Editorial decision on revised papers and Final acceptance notification
December 2018– February 2019 Online publication
March 2019: Hardcopy publication

Popis obavijesti

Fakultet hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu visokoučilišna je ustanova i znanstvena organizacija, koja ima poziv: istraživati i proučavati hrvatsko društvo, državu, prostor, stanovništvo, iseljeništvo, kulturu, hrvatsko civilizacijsko i povijesno naslijeđe u europskom i općesvjetskom kontekstu; o postojećim znanjima i novostečenim spoznajama poučavati u sustavu visokoučilišne naobrazbe te njegovati hrvatski nacionalni i kulturni identitet.

Adresa: Borongajska cesta 83d, Zagreb
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