Objavljeno: 31. 1. 2023. u 09:05

Fakultetu hrvatskih studija odobren je znanstvenoistraživački projekt “Saints and shaping of religious identities“ pod vodstvom doc. dr. sc. Marka Jerkovića i doc. dr. sc. Lucije Krešić Nacevski. Projekt je bio prijavljen na Natječaj za razmjenu sudionika u projektima između Republike Hrvatske i Savezne Republike Njemačke 2023.-2024. u lipnju 2022. godine.

Njemački partner na projektu je Research Center for Comparative History of Religious Orders (FOVOG – Dresden) koji djeluje pri Technische Universität Dresden, a voditelji s njemačke strane su prof. dr. Mirko Breitenstein (ravnatelj Instituta) i dr. Ekaterina Novokhatko.

Suradnici projektnog tima na hrvatskoj strani, osim voditelja doc.dr.sc. Marka Jerkovića i doc.dr.sc. Lucije Krešić Nacevski, su nastavnici Fakulteta hrvatskih studija dr. sc. Marko Marina, dr. sc. Petar Bilobrk, Petar Ušković Croata i studentica dipl. studija hrvatskog latiniteta Klara Bagarić.

Sredstva za provođenje dvogodišnjeg projekta u Hrvatskoj osigurava Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja, a u Njemačkoj Njemačka služba za akademsku razmjenu DAAD iz proračuna Saveznog ministarstva za obrazovanje i istraživanje (BMBF).

Projekt Saints and shaping of religious identities“ jedini je odobren iz područja humanističkih znanosti u ovom ciklusu natječaja, a odabrano je ukupno sedam od četrnaest prijavljenih projekata.

Sažeti opis projekta:

This bilateral cooperation was devised between two research groups with complementary on-going projects and research interests. Those interests are hagiography and institutional history of religious orders. The topics of such are in the focus of humanistic scholars world widely. We aim to engage ourselves in shaping the research trends by studying hagiographic texts within their religious environment. The important innovative aspect of our project is firmer connection between the hagiography and identity, in a way that we would like to see how religious and social circumstances affected the composition and content of the text. In other words, we seek to analyse how the text functionally reflected the ideas and programs of creating religious identities. Saints often stood in the centre of spiritual, cultural and political histories on local and trans-regional levels, providing both religious and lay communities the role models of behaviour and of social relations. Furthermore, the texts that formulated these models were not only media that transmitted the notion of sanctity, but they also mirrored and formulated the specific visions of organisation of religious communities. Also, by writing about the saints, the authors were (re)creating the visions of idealised past and present times, in which their main heroes (saints) were placed, thus transmitting their ideas of how Christian society in general should function. Hence, we consider the hagiographic texts not only as a spiritual message, but also a functional and programmatic text from which we learn historical concepts of order, authority, rules, emotions, virtues, institutions, systems of governance, and, ultimately, of God. All these features of a hagiographic text shape the identity of religious communities and those lay societies that interacted with them.   

Our primary goal is to create an anthology made available open access, in which we will present the ways how to approach sources as functional texts. It will comprise twelve case studies of saints with commentaries on sources including the explication of our methodology. Furthermore, we will focus on organisation of four workshops to discuss the materials, i.e. the methodologies, content, and research results. These will be, consequently, integrated into the anthology. The workshops will be dedicated to the following topics: Workshop 1. Saints within religious orders: saints and institutional identity; Workshop 2. Mobility of saints and diachronic changes in the notion of sanctity; Workshop 3. Saints as the bridge between lay and religious communities: the impact of saints on medieval society; Workshop 4. Material dimension of the sainthood. Two of the workshops will take part in Dresden (workshops 1 and 3), and two in Zagreb (workshops 2 and 4). These workshops will be essential to realise the primary goal - the composition of the anthology. During our first workshop, we will agree on the concrete structure and editing standards of the anthology, and define the types of texts that will be incorporated. At each of the following sessions (workshops 2-4), the two working groups will choose four case studies of saints (twelve in total) that fit the pre-ordered typology. The workshops and the work on the anthology will strengthen the links between the German and Croatian working groups. By realising these activities the project will firmer connect the research traditions of Germany and Croatia, and make initial steps towards the comparative studies of Western and Central European lands. Furthermore, it will connect better the Zagreb and Dresden universities. We will also organise the teaching exchange to promote the studies of hagiography and the methodologies that these two groups are developing within the project. Members of the German team will hold seminars within the classes offered at the University of Zagreb by members of the Croatian team. Members of the Croatian team will hold seminars at the Dresden University of Technology.  

All the pre-activities for realising project have been made: the two groups already discussed the form and goals of the project (via ZOOM meetings and in person - in October 2021 in Zagreb). Furthermore, members of the two groups cooperated earlier on co-organisation of conferences and workshops, where the initial dialogue and ideas about the new project were devised. The complementary of the two research teams can be seen in the fact that each group conduct the project on saints and religious institutions at their home universities. The workshops and the work on the anthology will give us the chance for comparing the results and connecting the projects more closely. The project offers opportunity for young scholars to engage themselves into the workshop discussions and work on the preparation of the anthology. Both sides gather scholars on MA, PhD, and postdoc level as well as Professors and Assistant Professors. Moreover, the students from both universities will be involved in the activities of the workshops and encouraged to present their own essay papers considering the workshop subjects.   

The added value of the project will be seen in the fact that the anthology, available online, will be easily accessible and offered to scholars (for their research and teaching activities), students, and all the other interested parties. The joint work on the anthology and within the workshops will give a possibility to both universities to strengthen the networking and to encourage further mobility between their staff and students. By encouraging mobility, both sides will have another opportunities to exchange knowledge and to familiarise themselves with the research approaches in Germany and Croatia. Moreover, the project is planned to be a starting point for applying for the COST funding to increase our research network (by including other partners world-widely). Apart from new project and encouraging further mobility, the two groups will continue updating the online anthology by adding new materials. Finally, the further cooperation should be realised in a form of a conference in 2025 (the members of the two teams had already co-organised a conference together, and we plan to continue this kind of cooperation on the subject of hagiography).

Popis obavijesti

Fakultet hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu visokoučilišna je ustanova i znanstvena organizacija, koja ima poziv: istraživati i proučavati hrvatsko društvo, državu, prostor, stanovništvo, iseljeništvo, kulturu, hrvatsko civilizacijsko i povijesno naslijeđe u europskom i općesvjetskom kontekstu; o postojećim znanjima i novostečenim spoznajama poučavati u sustavu visokoučilišne naobrazbe te njegovati hrvatski nacionalni i kulturni identitet.

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