Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Enrolment of Croats outside the Republic of Croatia for undergraduate university studies at Faculty of Croatian Studies in the academic year 2025/2026


Form for enrolment of Croats outside the Republic of Croatia for undergraduate university studies at Faculty of Croatian Studies

​​The University of Zagreb has signed an agreement with the Central State Office for Croats Abroad which stipulates the issuance of enrolment quotas for Croats located outside of Croatia with the aim of returning Croats and Croatian descendants to Croatia as well as taking positive action to assist Croatian youth to stay in Croatia. The aim focuses on positive long-term demographic and economic progress as well as the positive general progress of Croatian society. The signing of this agreement occurred following the III. Plenary Session of the Croatian Government Council for Croats outside Croatia held on 10 December 2016 in Vukovar, which concluded that it was necessary to provide special enrolment quotas for younger generations of Croats outside the Republic of Croatia for their enrolment at universities in the Republic of Croatia and to provide study scholarships for members of Croatian minorities and/or Croatian emigrants.

Therefore, the Senate of the University of Zagreb has confirmed a special quota for these candidates, subsequently all faculties will conduct qualification assessments for them in accordance with the special terms of enrolment. The envisaged special enrolment quotas refer to the two categories as defined in Article 2 of the Croatian Interethnic Relations Act (NN 124/11, 16/12): to members of the Croatian minority in European countries (Republic of Austria, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Slovenia, The Slovak Republic, Romania, the Republic of Macedonia, Hungary, the Italian Republic, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Bulgaria) and to Croatian immigrants in overseas and European countries and their descendants. 

Information about enrolment of younger generations Croats outside the Republic of Croatia for undergraduate university studies at Faculty of Croatian Studies at the University of Zagreb

Number of envisaged places for enrolment of Croats outside Croatia at the Faculty of Croatian Studies is as follows:

Study Double major Single major
Demography and the Croatian Diaspora 5
Philosophy and Culture 5
Communicology 5 2
Croatology 5 4
History 5 3
Psychology 6
Education Sciences (Pedagogy) 3 2
Sociology 5 3
Total 33 20


At the Faculty of Croatian Studies at the undergraduate level it is possible to study:

  • One major (single major) in: Communicology, Croatology, Education Sciences (Pedagogy*), History, Psychology, Sociology or
  • a combination of two studies (double major) selected from the following: Demography and the Croatian Diaspora, Philosophy and Culture, Communicology, Croatology, History, Education Sciences (Pedagogy*) and Sociology.

Applications for enrolment and entrance interview

Applicants submit their applications and send a motivation letter for enrollment in the first year of undergraduate studies:

In the first round by Tuesday, July 1, 2025, at 23:59 according to Central European Summer Time. In the second round by Friday, September 5, 2025, at 23:59 according to Central European Summer Time.

Applications are accepted through the Central Application Office at the web address /www.postani-student.hr

The motivation letter is to be sent to hrvatiizvanrh@fhs.hr by Tuesday, July 1, 2025, at 23:59 according to Central European Summer Time in the first round and by Friday, September 5, 2025, at 23:59 according to Central European Summer Time in the second round.


Evaluation criteria for applicant enrollment will be:

1. Certificate of affiliation with the Croatian people issued by the Central State Office for Croats Abroad (Pantovčak 258, 10000 Zagreb, pisarnica@hrvatiizvanrh.hr, Central State office for Croats Abroad)

2. 50% overall performance in high school, or in the last four years within at least twelve years of schooling (Proven by a copy of the applicant's report card for each individual year of high school. Applicants who completed their secondary education outside Croatia are not required to take the state graduation exam.)

3. 25% knowledge of the Croatian language (Proven by a certificate of Croatian language proficiency at level B2 or C1 or C2 or by a conversation via video call or in person with a member of the Admissions Committee. An applicant who does not prove proficiency in Croatian at level B2 as a condition for enrollment in the second year of study will be required to pass that exam.);

4. 25% motivation (Proven by a motivation letter and a conversation via video call or in person with a member of the Admissions Committee.).

Applicants who meet the above enrollment conditions will undergo a motivational interview and assessment of their knowledge of the Croatian language. The interview will be conducted via video call or in person at the Faculty of Croatian Studies, Borongajska cesta 83d, Zagreb, between July 2 and 4, 2025, in the first round, and between September 11 and 13, 2025, in the second round.

The provisional ranking list of applicants will be published on July 9, 2025. at 14:00 on the Postani student website.

The final ranking list of applicants will be published on July 16, 2025, after 15:00 on the Postani student website.

Enrollment deadlines for all applicants who have obtained the right to enroll:

Enrollment in the first year of undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Croatian Studies in the summer term will take place from July 17 to 22, 2025.

For more information about study programs, visit: https://www.fhs.unizg.hr/en/study

For assistance with filling out the application and collecting documentation, feel free to contact hrvatiizvanrh@fhs.hr.

* For enrollment in the Pedagogy study program (single-major and double-major), a confirmation from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport about enrollment in the Registry of Study Programs of the Republic of Croatia is awaited. The Pedagogy study program (single-major and double-major) is a study program established by the decision of the Senate of the University of Zagreb on June 21, 2022, the commencement of which, after enrollment in the Registry of Study Programs of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport, is expected in the academic year 2024/2025.