Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

About employee

Vanesa Varga, dr. sc.

Senior Assistant
Department of Communication Sciences
Graduation year:
PhD graduation year:


She was born on February 27, 1986 in Pakrac. She completed primary and secondary school (gymnasium) in Zagreb. She obtained the title assistant professor in the scientific field of information and communication sciences on April 18, 2023 at the Croatian Catholic University. She held her inaugural lecture entitled "Habits and motives for using smartphones in adolescents" at the Croatian Catholic University on March 14, 2023. She obtained the scientific title of research associate in the scientific field of information and communication sciences on December 13, 2021 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. She was obtained the title of associate assistant on March 29, 2018 at the Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb (today the Faculty of Croatian Studies) in the scientific field of information and communication sciences.

In 2020, she defended her doctoral dissertation entitled "The Role of Social Media in the Promotion of Animal Rights and Welfare" and obtained the academic title of Doctor of Science in the scientific field of social sciences, scientific field of information and communication science.

In 2021, she was employed as a postdoctoral researcher (today a senior assistant) at the Croatian Catholic University on the project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (UIP-2019-04-7545) and the Croatian Catholic University (project leader is Assoc. Prof. Marina Merkaš) entitled "Digital Technology in the Family: Patterns of Behaviour and Effects on Child Development". In 2013, she was employed as a trainee curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb. There, she collaborated in the revision of the Collection of Drawings, Prints, Posters and Works on Paper and the Revision of the Kožarić Studio. She collaborated on the digitization of the Ivan Picelj Archive and in the realization of retrospective exhibitions of Vojin Bakić and Julije Knifer. She passed the professional exam for the museum documentarian officer on June 16, 2015. Her professional work published by the Museum Documentation Center is entitled “Digitalization of the Photo Library of the Benko Horvat Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb” (2015).

She earned her Master of Education in Croatology degree in 2012 at the Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb (today the Faculty of Croatian Studies). Her thesis is entitled “Marulić’s Attitude towards Ancient Spiritual Culture on the Example of the Davidiadas”. In the same year, she earned her Master of Communication Studies degree. Her thesis is entitled “Family on the Internet: Communication, Identity, Image and Commercialization”. She earned her Master of Museology and Heritage Management degree in 2013 at the FFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. Her thesis is entitled “Virtual Ancient Egyptian Collections: Croato-Aegyptica and Opportunities for International Cooperation”.

She began teaching as an external associate at the Croatian Studies (today the Faculty of Croatian Studies) in the academic year 2013/2014 on the course Social Media. In the academic years 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 she taught the course Founders of Communication Studies and Their Works. In the academic year 2019/2020 she taught the course Historical Overview of Mass Communication Research. From the academic year 2022/2023 at the Faculty of Croatian Studies she teaches the courses Sociological Aspects of Mass Communication, Legal Aspects of Mass Communication, Concepts and Theories of Media Effects Research. At the Croatian Catholic University she introduced and taught the courses Visual Communication and Internet Activism during the academic years 2020/2021, 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 at the Department of Communication Studies. At the Department of Psychology, she introduced the course Communication and Presentation Skills, which she began teaching in the winter semester of the academic year 2023/2024. She has also been teaching at the Faculty of Graphic Arts in Zagreb since the academic year 2020/2021, in the courses: Communication, Business Communication, Graphic Design Communication, Visual Communications and Media Communication.

During 2023, she was the leader of the one-year scientific project of the Croatian Catholic University "Happiness is not in things: the role of the media, parents and peers in shaping materialism in children" (HKS-2023). Also, during 2023, she was the leader of the professional project "Family and individual media use plan: interactive advisory website" funded by the Agency for Electronic Media.

She attended two summer schools in research methodology in Europe, namely GESIS Summer School: Survey, Sampling and Weighting (August 17-21, 2020) in Cologne, Germany and Summer School Utrecht: Survey Research - Design, Implementation and Data Processing (August 15-19, 2022), Utrecht, Netherlands.

She gave an invited lecture in 2022 in the USA entitled "Child Centered Parenting in the Digital Age" organized by the Center for Social Concerns at the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana.

So far, she has presented independently or as a co-author at numerous conferences with international review (UK, Greece, USA, etc.) and at several conferences with domestic review.

She won the award for the best work of a young author (Best Young Researcher Paper, 2023) of the journal Applied Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad for the work The children's motivation for digital technology use: parents and children's perspective (authors: Varga, Vanesa and Kotrla Topić, Marina) .

She published a professional monograph Primošten: Our Lady of Loreto, which was published by the Municipality of Primošten in 2017.

She has two training certificates from the Algebra Open University, one as an Internet Marketing Specialist from 2017 and one as a Web Designer from 2018.

She uses the IBM SPSS software program. She has used the M++ and S++ databases. She has used Google Ads and Google Analytics Solutions software. She has managed social media and websites for companies and scientific projects. In her scientific work, she has applied methods of interviews, focus groups, surveys, diary studies and observations. Research interests include media effects and the Internet.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Campus Cinema: University Portrayals in Contemporary Films

2024., Varga, Vanesa
izvorni znanstveni rad

Presentation of the results of the project "Digital technology in the family: patterns of behavior and effects on child development"

2024., Merkaš, Marina; Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Varga, Vanesa
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

The influence of authorship information on the perception of graphic media messages

2024., Mustić, Daria; Varga, Vanesa
izvorni znanstveni rad

Perspektiva djece u Hrvatskoj o materijalizmu i vrijednostima koje su važnije od materijalizma

2024., Varga, Vanesa; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Perić Pavišić, Katarina
izvorni znanstveni rad
Psihologijske teme

Characteristics of smartphone use and bullying behaviors among children in Croatia

2024., Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Merkaš, Marina; Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Varga, Vanesa
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Peer-Influenced Purchases: An Exploration of Consumer Trends Among Adolescents in Croatia

2024., Varga, Vanesa; Merkaš, Marina; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Žulec Ivanković, Ana
izvorni znanstveni rad
Odgojno-obrazovne teme

Conflicts about adolescents’ smartphone use between parents and adolescents: frequency, gender differences, and association with adolescent well-being

2024., Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Merkaš, Marina; Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Varga, Vanesa; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Perić Pavišić, Katarina;
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Mobile Phone Use in Interactions with Children and Parental Mediation: Opinions and Behaviors of Parents of Early Adolescents

2024., Merkaš, Marina; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Varga, Vanesa
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Smartphone use and communication in Croatian families with adolescents

2024., Merkaš, Marina; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Varga, Vanesa
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Longitudinal association among smartphone use, problem behaviors and well-being in Croatian adolescents

2024., Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Merkaš, Marina; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Varga, Vanesa
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Communication about Purchase Desires between Children and Their Parents in Croatia

2024., Varga, Vanesa; Plenković, Mateja; Merkaš, Marina
izvorni znanstveni rad
Social sciences

Technoference in Parent-Child Interactions: Approaches, Challenges, and Limitations of Measuring the Construct

2024., Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Merkaš, Marina; Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Varga, Vanesa
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Physical consequences of problematic smartphone use in adolescents: “Do they feel pain when they use their phones for a long time?"

2024., Merkaš, Marina; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Varga, Vanesa
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Effects of parents’ smartphone use on children’s emotions, behavior, and subjective well-being

2024., Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Merkaš, Marina; Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Varga, Vanesa;
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Presentation of the project "Family and individual plan for the use of digital media - interactive advisory website"

2023., Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Merkaš, Marina; Varga, Vanesa; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Perić Pavišić, Katarina
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Daily patterns of smartphone use: an ESM study with Croatian children and youth

2023., Žulec, Ana; Merkaš, Marina; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Varga, Vanesa; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Kotrla Topić, Marina
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

The relationship between the risk of smartphone addiction, technoference in parent-child interactions, and problem behaviours in children

2023., Merkaš, Marina; Žulec, Ana; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Varga, Vanesa; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Perić Pavišić, Katarina;
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

#challengeaccepted - relationship between the motives for using and activities on smartphones and participation in virtual challenges among adolescents

2023., Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Merkaš, Marina; Varga, Vanesa; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Kotrla Toipć, Marina
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Parental permissiveness, emotional regulation, smartphone use and technoference in the parent- child relationship

2023., Bodrožić Selak, Matea ; Merkaš, Marina ; Varga, Vanesa ; Žulec, Ana ; Perić Pavišić, Katarina ; Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Jelovčić, Sara ; Rusan, Marija, Radusinović, Leina
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Child-Parent Communication on Child Purchase Wishes

2023., Varga, Vanesa; Plenković, Mateja; Vidulić, Matea; Merkaš, Marina; Žulec, Ana; Bodrožić Selak, Matea
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Relationship between generalized problematic internet use, the quality of a parent-child relationship, and conflict over smartphone use in Croatian adolescents

2023., Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Merkaš, Marina; Žulec, Ana; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Varga, Vanesa; Kotrla Topić, Marina
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

The Association between Smartphone Use and Physical Health, Well-being, and School Success in Elementary School Children

2023., Merkaš, Marina; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Varga, Vanesa
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Family communication and children’s problematic behaviours: Can technoference in parent-child interaction be a clamp?

2023., Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Merkaš, Marina; Žulec, Ana; Varga, Vanesa;
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Screen-based activities among children in Croatia: A media diary approach

2023., Žulec, Ana ; Merkaš, Marina ; Varga, Vanesa
izvorni znanstveni rad
Journal of Psychological and Educational Research

„Što više markirane robe nosiš, to ćeš imati više prijatelja” – djeca u Hrvatskoj o materijalizmu

2023., Varga, Vanesa; Plenković, Mateja; Vidulić, Matea; Merkaš, Marina; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Žulec Ivankovi, Ana; Bodrožić Selak, Matea
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Presentation of the project "Family and individual plan for the use of digital media - interactive advisory website"

2023., Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Merkaš, Marina; Varga, Vanesa; Kotrla Topić, Marina; Perić Pavišić, Katarina
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

„Dosadne su i uskoče u bilo koji trenutak” – perspektiva djece u Hrvatskoj o reklamama

2023., Varga, Vanesa; Kazić, Lara; Mišić, Paula; Obelić, Lea; Princip Štajduhar, Patrik; Štimac, Jelena; Vaclavek, Mia
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Povezanost korištenja pametnog telefona s problema u ponašanju i emocionalnim problemima kod adolescenata

2023., Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Merkaš, Marina; Žulec Ivanković, Ana; Varga, Vanesa; Perić Pavišić, Katarina; Kotrla Topić, Marina
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Relationship between technology interference in parent-child interactions and problematic behaviors in children

2022., Bodrožić Selak, Matea ; Merkaš, Marina ; Žulec, Ana ; Varga, Vanesa ; Perić Pavišić, Katarina ; Kotrla Topić, Marina
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

The relationship of children's smartphone use with well-being and school achievement

2022., Varga, Vanesa ; Žulec, Ana ; Bodrožić Selak, Matea ; Merkaš, Marina
izvorni znanstveni rad
Radovi Zavoda za znanstveni rad Varaždin

Children’s and Parents’ Perspectives on the Effects of Children’s Digital Technology Use

2022., Žulec, Ana ; Varga, Vanesa ; Štefanić, Luka
izvorni znanstveni rad
Interacting with computers

Analysis of Tolerance in Six European Mediterranean Countries

2022., Plenković, Mateja ; Ježovita, Josip ; Varga, Vanesa
izvorni znanstveni rad
Interdisciplinary description of complex systems

Children’s motivation for digital technology use: parents and children’s perspective

2022., Varga, Vanesa ; Kotrla Topić, Marina
izvorni znanstveni rad
Primenjena psihologija

Relationship between parental mediation and problematic Internet use in adolescents

2022., Perić Pavišić, Katarina ; Merkaš, Marina ; Žulec, Ana ; Varga, Vanesa ; Bodrožić Selak, Matea ; Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Rusan, Marija ; Radusinović, Leina
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Analysis of Tolerance in Six European Mediterranean Countries

2022., Plenković, Mateja ; Ježovita, Josip ; Varga, Vanesa
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Is my digital device bringing me down? The association of digital technology use in children and their daily mood

2022., Žulec, Ana ; Varga, Vanesa ; Merkaš, Marina
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Parental smartphone use and child well-being

2022., Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Merkaš, Marina ; Bodrožić Selak, Matea ; Žulec, Ana ; Varga, Vanesa ; Perić Pavišić, Katarina
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Child Centered Parenting in the Digital World

2022., Varga, Vanesa
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

The Association of Smartphone use with Children's Well-being and School Achievement

2022., Varga Vanesa ; Merkaš, Marina ; Žulec, Ana ; Bodrožić Selak, Matea ; Kotrla Topić Marina ; Perić, Katarina ; Štefančić, Luka, Jelovčić, Sara
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

I am ignored, and i feel angry! - children’s perception and experience of technoference in the parent-child relationship

2022., Merkaš, Marina ; Žulec, Ana ; Varga, Vanesa ; Bodrožić Selak, Matea ; Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Perić, Katarina ; Štefanić, Luka ; Jelovčić, Sara
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Can I use it? No! - Parental mediation, the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship, and conflicts about adolescents’ smartphone use

2022., Bodrožić Selak, Matea ; Merkaš, Marina ; Žulec, Ana ; Varga, Vanesa ; Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Perić Pavišić, Katarina ; Rusan, Marija ; Radusinović, Leina
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

"Digitalna tehnologija u obitelji: obrasci ponašanja i učinci na razvoj djece" - prikaz rezultata kvalitativnih istraživanja s djecom i roditeljima

2022., Žulec, Ana ; Varga, Vanesa ; Bodrožić Selak, Matea ; Merkaš, Marina
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Pregled istraživanja o povezanosti korištenja digitalne tehnologije i razvoja djece

2022., Perić, Katarina ; Varga, Vanesa ; Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Merkaš, Marina
izvorni znanstveni rad
Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja

The relationship of parental phubbing and child- parent conflict over smartphone with child well- being

2022., Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Merkaš, Marina ; Bodrožić Selak, Matea ; Žulec, Ana ; Varga, Vanesa ; Perić, Katarina ; Rusan, Marija ; Radusinović, Leina
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Antropomorfizirane mačke na stranicama Facebooka

2022., Tkalčić, Marina ; Varga, Vanesa
stručni rad

Digital Technology Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Relations to Sleep Quality and Life Satisfaction in Children and Parents

2021., Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Varga, Vanesa ; Jelovčić, Sara
izvorni znanstveni rad
Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja

Stavovi korisnika stranica Facebooka udruga za zaštitu životinja o ulozi Facebooka u promociji prava i zaštite životinja

2021., Varga, Vanesa
izvorni znanstveni rad
Media, culture and public relations

What Consequences of Children’s Digital Device Use Do Parents and Children See? – Focus Group Approach

2021., Ana Žulec ; Luka Štefanić ; Marina Merkaš ; Sara Jelovčić ; Marina Kotrla Topić ; Katarina Perić ; Vanesa Varga
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Children’s motivation for digital media use 

2021., Vanesa Varga, Marina Kotrla Topić, Sara Jelovčić, Marina Merkaš​
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Roditeljska medijacija dječjeg korištenja digitalnih uređaja: „…ja ga uvijek moram od toga odmicati.“

2021., Perić, Katarina ; Jelovčić, Sara ; Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Merkaš, Marina ; Štefanić, Luka ; Varga Vanesa ; Žulec, Ana
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Discourse Analysis of YouTube Vlogs Related to Croatian Islands

2021., Varga, Vanesa ; Plenković, Mateja
izvorni znanstveni rad

Use of digital devices among children - What do data from children's media diaries show us?

2021., Žulec, Ana ; Varga, Vanesa ; Merkaš, Marina ; Jelovčić, Sara ; Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Perić, Katarina ; Štefanić, Luka
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Parents’ and children’s perspective on rules for digital technology use in the family

2021., Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Jelovčić, Sara ; Merkaš, Marina ; Perić, Katarina ; Štefanić, Luka ; Varga, Vanesa ; Žulec, Ana
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

The role of social media in promotion of animal rights and welfare

2020., Varga, Vanesa
doktorska disertacija

Rezultati online istraživanja "Mišljenje studenata o korištenju digitalne tehnologije"

2020., Jelovčić, Sara ; Merkaš, Marina ; Perić, Katarina ; Varga, Vanesa ; Žulec, Ana ; Štefanić, Luka

Communication of Croatian football clubs on social media

2020., Gabrić, Marino Roko
diplomski rad

Rezultati istraživanja "Korištenje digitalne tehnologije u obitelji" tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19

2020., Balaž, Barbara ; Jelovčić, Sara ; Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Žitković, Valentina ; Merkaš, Marina, Perić, Katarina ; Varga, Vanesa

Semiotika putovanja na Instagramu

2020., Varga, Vanesa

Distraction with digital technology in parents and the well-being of children and parents during the COVID-19 pandemic

2020., Brdovčak, Barbara ; Jelovčić, Sara ; Kotrla Topić, Marina ; Žitković, Valentina ; Merkaš, Marina ; Perić, Katarina ; Varga, Vanesa
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Community management - a tool in public relations

2019., Merlić, Antonela
diplomski rad

Communication on the social network Facebook from the aspect of social media managers

2019., Vardić, Marina
diplomski rad

Međuvršnjačko nasilje na društvenim mrežama

2019., Krznarić, Vanja
sveučilišni preddiplomski završni rad

Student's attitudes towards the Instagram blogger profession

2019., Brattoni, Aleta
diplomski rad

Customer trust in advertising cosmetics on YouTube

2019., Juraić, Patricia
diplomski rad

Reklame i rodni stereotipi: važnost medijske pismenosti

2018., Sever Globan, Irena ; Plenković, Mateja ; Varga, Vanesa
pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Media, culture and public relations

Izborne kampanje 2015. i 2016. godine: analiza obilježja naslova i toniranje vijesti na dnevnoinformativnim portalima

2018., Ježovita, Josip ; Plenković, Mateja ; Varga, Vanesa
izvorni znanstveni rad
Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja

TripAdvisor User-generated Content about Croatian Islands

2017., Plenković, Mateja ; Varga, Vanesa
izvorni znanstveni rad

Virtualna groblja kao čuvari sjećanja na umrle

2017., Plenković, Mateja ; Varga, Vanesa
izvorni znanstveni rad

Primošten: Gospa od Loreta

2017., Vanesa Varga
monografija (stručna)

Expressing emotion in business internet communication

2017., Kordić, Iva
diplomski rad

Semiotic Analysis of ''Instagram Wanderers'': Self Reflecting Conquerors

2017., Vanesa Varga
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Video games as an education tool

2015., Šakić, Mateja ; Varga, Vanesa
izvorni znanstveni rad

The role of new media technologies in helping people who suffer from social phobia

2015., Šakić, Mateja ; Varga, Vanesa
izvorni znanstveni rad

Facebook: The Good, the Bad or the Ugly?

2013., Bingula, Mihaela ; Matić, Andrea ; Varga, Vanesa ; Mikelić Preradović, Nives
izvorni znanstveni rad

Virtual Ancient Egyptian collections: Croato- Aegyptica Electronica and possibilities of development

2013., Varga, Vanesa
diplomski rad

List of select publications


Varga, Vanesa; Plenković, Mateja; Merkaš, Marina // Communication about Purchase Desires between Children and Their Parents in Croatia // Social sciences, 13 (2024), 97; 1-16

Varga, Vanesa; Žulec, Ana; Bodrožić Selak, Matea; Merkaš, Marina // The relationship of children's smartphone use with  well-being and school achievement // Radovi Zavoda za znanstveni rad Varaždin,  (2022), 33; 207-243. doi: 10.21857/yvjrdcv11y

Varga, Vanesa; Kotrla Topić, Marina // Children’s motivation for digital technology use: parents and children’s perspective // Primenjena psihologija, 15 (2022), 3; 305-326. doi: 10.19090/pp.v15i3.2378

List of select projects

Project leader Happiness is not in material things: the role of the media, parents and peers in shaping materialism in children (HKS-2023)

Project associate Digital technology in the family: patterns of behaviour and effects on child development  (UIP-2019-04-7547)