About us

Launched almost twenty years ago, our Department is specific for its emphasis on the links between philosophy and other domains of knowledge. A proper study of traditional philosophical problems, we believe, requires proficiency in logic, scholarship and acquaintance with insights from other disciplines in humanities, social and natural sciences. This defines the mission of our Department. All three levels of study - undergraduate (BA), graduate (MA) and postgraduate (PhD) - represent a mixture of the "analytic" approach characteristic of the leading Anglo-American universities and the "continental" approach distinctive of the Central European universities with their emphasis on the history of philosophy. In our view, the primary aim of university studies of philosophy is familiarity with a broad range of traditional philosophical problems, of the conceptual toolbox for understanding these problems and the world around us, as well as the acquisition of skills of argumentation, interpretation and critical analysis of beliefs, claims and theories from various areas of human knowledge. If you consider studying philosophy in Croatia, or visiting for educational or research purposes, please check out these pages for more information or contact us by email: FilozofijaHS@hrstud.hr

Published: 2022-01-22 at 13:03

On Friday, 14. January 2022, World Logic Day was marked at the Faculty of Croatian Studies by a panel discussion. In addition to the main presenters, the event was commemorated with welcoming speeches by Prof. Ivo Džinić, the Dean of the Faculty of Croatian Studies, and the Head of the Department of Philosophy and Culturology Prof. Mislav Kukoč. In his welcome address, the Dean noted the historical importance of logic for scientific thought, but also for human activity in general. Using Aristotle's understanding of logic, he noted that logic serves as propaedeutics for thinking in general, and stressed that he is glad how students - who will show the value of knowing logic in the modern labour market - are participating in this event. After the dean, Professor Kukoč joined the honorary greetings, emphasizing the distinction in celebrating Worlds Philosophy Day and Worlds Logic Day through an analogy with Easter and Christmas. The analogy was centred on the fact that the World Day of Philosophy is movable – same as Easter – while the date of the World Day of Logic is static – same as Christmas. In addition, Kukoč emphasized the difference between Plato's and Aristotle's understanding of logic. Namely, he pointed out that the predecessors of Aristotle - and most of his contemporaries - understood logic as one of the three fundamental philosophical disciplines, together with physics and ethics.

After the welcoming speeches, the scientific part of Worlds Logic Day has begun. The aforementioned part of the event was commemorated with presentations of Professor Sandro Skansi, Professor Marko Kardum, and students – some of them former – of the Faculty of Croatian Studies Marija Puđak and Filip Šoljić. Professor Skansi opened the scientific part of the event with his talk, which was entitled A Brief Introduction into Subfields of Logic. In his presentation, the professor stated the width of the area covered by logic today, and thus briefly presented the historical development of logic to date. By presenting the epoch in which logic finds itself in a contemporary environment, the professor also presented the importance of philosophy for the development of modern technology and science. Next in line was Professor Kardum with a talk that was named Creativity in Logic. In his address, the Professor emphasized the creative potentials that logic inherently possesses. Furthermore, professor Kardum presented his thesis through informal forms of use that logic has in our everyday life, but also through a series of theoretical problems that are still open to scientific consideration. Professors' talks were followed by Marija Puđak and Filip Šoljić, who presented the benefits of knowing logic in the context of the current labour market. In her presentation, which was entitled Benefits of Logic in Analytics, Marija Puđak stated that her knowledge of logic didn't just help her to master programming languages, but also in using them later. By presenting her own example, Puđak gave the students a positive perspective that awaits them on the aforementioned market when they graduate. Filip Šoljić concluded the conference with his presentation, which was entitled The Benefits of Logic in Entrepreneurship and Computer Application Development. Filip, similar to Puđak before, presented a great number of benefits that knowing logic gives in the current market. In addition, Šoljić presented what kind of work he is doing today, and stressed that logic has not only helped him in mastering programming but also in winning the LUMEN development competition, which is the largest student competition in programming and application development, and it is organized by "eSTUDENT". His presentation was followed by a discussion, which has also marked a conclusion to this event.


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