Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Sociology of the Information Technology Profession

Code: 227719
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge:
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


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1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Introduce students to the basic division of Information Technology companies, the organization and structure of teams, the dynamics of inter-team and intra-team organization and the legal and ethical framework of business.
Emphasis will be placed on interpersonal relationships, both vertical and horizontal, business ethics, job systematization, human resource management and trust in the management and structure of the company as crucial factors.
Field classes will be organized in the form of visits to renowned Croatian Information Technology companies.

Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes:
Analyse and interpret social phenomena.
Analyse and interpret the impact of social context and social change on human development.
Critically judge social processes.
Get to know and understand the sociological approach in the conceptualization of a research problem, the operationalization according to optimal empirical instrumentation.
Interpret professional and scientific contents, in oral and in writing.

Expected learning outcomes at the level of the course:
1. Define the basic concepts of Information Technology companies
2. Get introduced with organizational units and structures
3. Identify sociological aspects and structures within Information Technology companies
4. Explain the relationship of legal frameworks to the influence of sociological structures
5. Explain the relationship of ethical frameworks to the influence of sociological structures
6. Apply the understanding of job systematization to the dynamics of social relations
7. Critically look at social relations in the Information Technology company
8. Critically look at social relations in the Information Technology team
9. Critically look at social relationships among teamwork
10. Apply business ethics within Information Technology companies

Course content:
1. Introductory lecture, defining the conditions of the course
2. Basic concepts and division of Information Technology companies, agency work, development work and research work
3. Structure of Information Technology companies, teams, differences of technical staff (DevOps, Devs, FrontDevs, BackDevs, SecOps, etc.)
4. Sociological framework of Information Technology companies, the impact of differences among technical staff on the dynamics of interpersonal relationships
5. Basics of the Labour Act and the Rules of Procedure and their impact on the organization
6. Code of Ethics, the Commissioner for Ethics and their role in the sociological sense of the functioning of enterprises
7. Job systematization, legal framework, ethical framework and impact on interpersonal relationships
8. Socio-hierarchical structure within the company with emphasis on the relationship of technical and non-technical staff
9. Socio-hierarchical team structure (architects, seniors, mid-levels, juniors and QA) and sociological implications for the fulfilment of obligations
10. Inter-team cooperation, team hierarchy, sociological analysis of the social structure of the company and customer relations
11. Sociological types of breaks and leaves; daily, weekly and annual leave in an Information Technology environment
12. Bad ethical practices of employers and bad ethical habits of employees
13. Human resources management, analysis of sociological elements in building employee confidence in the system
14. Sociological patterns of Information Technology companies
15. Business ethics at work, marketing, headhunting and the labour market
Learning outcomes:
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