Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Croatian Ships in the Modern Period

Code: 223531
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge:
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


All teaching activities will be held in Croatian. However, foreign students in mixed groups will have the opportunity to attend additional office hours with the lecturer and teaching assistants in English to help master the course materials. Additionally, the lecturer will refer foreign students to the corresponding literature in English, as well as give them the possibility of taking the associated exams in English.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Course objectives:
To learn about the daily life of ordinary people in the Croatian territories facing the Adriatic Sea in the 18th century. Since man himself is the culture he creates, even ships and sailers are the expression of the whole coastal world of the time.
An overview of the history of ships from Antiquity to the end of the 18th century will be provided, with particular attention to the types of sailers typical of the Mediterranean and the Adriatic.
The sources from the Italian archives that preserve information on Croatian ships, captains, paroni and sailors, the Croatian Maritime Regesta of the 18th century (RMC) vol. I-III whose 16,000 documents will be available to students for the study and processing of data.
Students will learn more than 70 different names and types of ships characteristic of the Adriatic navigation in the Modern Age.
The goal is to teach students how and where to look for documents from this historical period and at the same time introduce them to the latest digital technologies of analysis and categorization of such a large amount of sources.

Čolak, Nikola, Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento. Navigazione nellAdriatico. Fonti. Hrvatski pomorski regesti. Osamnaesto stoljeće. Plovidba na Jadranu. Vrela, vol. I, Centro di Studi Storici Croati, Venezia, Padova 1985.
Čolak, Nikola, Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento. Navigazione nellAdriatico. Fonti. Hrvatski pomorski regesti. Osamnaesto stoljeće. Plovidba na Jadranu. Vrela, vol. II, Centro di Studi Storici Croati, Venezia, Padova 1993.
Čolak, Nikola, Croatian Maritime Regesta. 18th century. Navigation in the Adriatic. Sources. Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento. Navigazione nellAdriatico. Fonti. Hrvatski pomorski regesti. Osamnaesto stoljeće. Plovidba na Jadranu. Vrela, vol. III, ur. Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka, Odsjek za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu, Split 2017.
Brajković, Vladislav i Mardešić, Petar (uredili), Pomorska enciklopedija, vol. I-VIII, Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod, Zagreb, 1972, sub voce.
Čoralić, Lovorka (uredila), U potrazi za mirom i blagostanjem. Hrvatske zemlje u 18. stoljeću, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb 2013.
Luetić, Josip, 1000 godina dubrovačkog brodarstva, Zagreb 1969.
Novak, Grga, Jadransko more u sukobima i borbama kroz stoljeća II. Od 1409. godine do Drugog svjetskog rata, Split 2004.
Simović, Anton i Macan, Trpimir (uredili), Pomorski leksikon, Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod, Zagreb, 1990.
Vidović, Radovan, Pomorski rječnik, Logos, Split 1984, sub voce.

Brandl, Naida Mihal; Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka, A New Study Project: From the Croatian Maritime Regesta to the Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae - New Sources for Adriatic and Mediterranean Studies in the 18th Century, Zbornik Drage Roksandića, Agičić, Damir; Petrić, Hrvoje; Šimetin Šegvić, Filip (ur.), Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2019, str. 487-495;
Costantini, Massimo, Porto navi e traffici a Venezia 1700-2000, Marsilio Editori, Venezia 2004;
Čolak, Nikola, Navigazione marittima fra i porti dalmato-istriani e i porti pontifici alla fine del Settecento I, Studi Veneziani, XI/1969., str. 612-634;
Čolak, Nikola, Navigazione marittima fra i porti dalmato-istriani e i porti pontifici alla fine del Settecento II, Studi Veneziani, XIV/1972., str. 331-348;
Čolak, Nikola, Pomorstvo zadarske komune od dolaska Hrvata na Jadran do pada Mletačke Republike, Pomorski zbornik II. sv, uredili G. Novak i V. Maštrović, Institut za historijske i ekonomske nauke, Zadar 1962. str. 1555-1595;
De Nicolo, Maria Lucia (uredila), Mediterraneo, Archeologia navale e storia marittima dallantichita al XX secolo, Universita degli Studi di Bologna, International Summer School 2007, Citta di Cattolica 2008;
De Nicolo, Maria Lucia, (uredila), Sulle rotte dei relitti e dei linguaggi del mare, Universita degli Studi di Bologna, International Summer School 2009, Citta di Cattolica 2009;
De Nicolo, Maria Lucia, (uredila), Tartane, n. 9 Rerum Maritimarum, Museo della Marineria Washinton Patrignani, Pesaro 2013;
De Nicolo, Maria Lucia, (uredila), Velieri, Circolo Nautico Cattolica, Cattolica 2013;
Kozličić, Mithad, Senjske uskočke brodice, Senjski zbornik, 19/1992., str. 57-68;
Kozličić, Mithad, Stoljetno slobodarstvo senjskih uskoka, Senjski zbornik, Vol. 10-11. No. 1 1984, str. 264-276.
Kozličić, Mithad, Hrvatsko brodovlje. Croatian Shipping. Le navi croate, trojezična monografija (hrvatski - engleski - talijanski), Književni krug - AGM, Split - Zagreb, 1993;
Maračić, Ljudevit, Kroničarski zapisi iz 18. stoljeća, Croatica Christiana Periodica, Vol. 24 No. 45, 2000, str 213-219;
Maštrović, Vjekoslav, Posljednji gusari na Jadranskom moru, Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, Zagreb 1983;
Mendeš, Nikša, Stari jedrenjaci (Brodarstvo i brodogradnja Rijeke i Hrvatskog primorja od 18. do 20. stoljeća), Katalog muzejskih zbirki III, Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka, Rijeka 2006;
Milošević, Miloš (predgovor), Mercatores et nautae. Trgovci i pomorci Boke: katalog izložbe sa II. Dana bokeljske kulture u Istri, Povijesni muzej Istre, Pula 2004;
Novak, Grga i Maštrović, Vjekoslav (uredili), Pomorski zbornik I-II, Institut za historijske i ekonomske nauke, JAZU Zadar - Zagreb 1962;
Novak, Maja, Autonomija dalmatinskih komuna pod Venecijom, Institut JAZU, Zadar 1965;
Poparić, Bare, O pomorskoj sili Hrvata, Naklada Matice hrvatske, Zagreb 1899;
Poparić, Bare, Povijest senjskih uskoka, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb 1936;
Radić, Rossi-Liphschitz, Analiza drvene građe srednjovjekovnih brodica iz Nina, Archaeologia Adriatica IV/2010., str. 257-270;
Smičiklas, Tade, Povijest Hrvata, dio drugi, od godine 1526-1848, Naklada Matice Hrvatske, Zagreb 1879, str. 277-412;
Trinchese, Stefano, Francesco Caccamo (uredili), Adriatico contemporaneo. Rotte e percezioni del mare comune tra Ottocento e Novecento, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2008;
Vekarić, Stjepan, Pelješki jedrenjaci, Mornarički glasnik, Split 1960;
Vrandečić, Josip, Borba za Jadran u ranom novom vijeku: Mletačko-osmanski ratovi u venecijanskoj nuncijaturi, Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za povijest, Split 2013.
Learning outcomes:
  1. Analysing maritime history: from Prehistory to the 18th century.
  2. Explain the geopolitical peculiarities of the Croatian territories between the Republic of Venice, the Habsburg Monarchy, the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Dubrovnik.
  3. Recognize and discern the types of the ships in the 18th century Adriatic.
  4. Identify the types of ships among 16,000 published maritime sources: the contemporary digital research systems.
  5. Apply specific methodologies for the subject: research of the documents, their systematization (transcription - optional) and summary of the topics in an autonomous way, both written and oral.
  6. After passing the exam, the student will be able:
    - to describe development of the ships from Antiquity to the 18th century.
    - to define the main types of Adriatic and Mediterranean sailers.
    - to identify and analyse the sources through rapid digital searches and link them with the reference bibliography.
    - to independently find, use, analyse and evaluate the correlated bibliography on Croatian ships and sailers.
1. semester Not active
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
PSI (2980) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Psychology

2. semester Not active
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
PSI (2980) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Psychology

3. semester Not active
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
POV (17191) - Izborni predmeti: Povijest ranoga novoga vijeka i 19.st. - Regular studij - History
POV (17191) - Izborni predmeti: Povijest ranoga novoga vijeka i 19.st. - Regular studij - History
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
FIL (17084) : Izborni TZP - Regular studij - Philosophy and Culture
SOC (2960) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Sociology

4. semester Not active
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
POV (17191) - Izborni predmeti: Povijest ranoga novoga vijeka i 19.st. - Regular studij - History
POV (17191) - Izborni predmeti: Povijest ranoga novoga vijeka i 19.st. - Regular studij - History
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
FIL (17084) : Izborni TZP - Regular studij - Philosophy and Culture
SOC (2960) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Sociology

5. semester Not active
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
SOC (2960) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Sociology

6. semester Not active
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
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